
Why do children at age 4 spit? Is it a behavior they are born with or learned?

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Why do children at age 4 spit? Is it a behavior they are born with or learned?




  1. It's b'coz the child when at age 4 starts their salivary gland to function  excess to stimulate the growth of teeth and so excess saliva comes out as spit

  2. they probably seen someone else doing it, so they are coping it from them.  and think there is nothing wrong in doing it.

  3. umm...maybe because they are little and they dont know that much because i have a brother that's about to turn four and trust me he is a pain on the but.he spits inmy face and i just hit him but not that hard

  4. hi cat,tell me,does your child watch baseball on television,or has he or she ever been curious and taken a look out of curiosity?As you know baseball players are notorious spitting machines,they are always spitting! They shell sunflower seeds with their teeth and then they spit them out.I think this is a rather disgusting habit and it sould be banned by the baseball commisioner.  Jan.

  5. I REMEMBER spitting on a kid in preschool.  I had learned this trick with my spit from my big sister and I did it at school and the next thing I knew I was wisked off to the bathroom and had to stand at the toilet and spit.  I remember, being confused about the whole thing.  I didn't understand that I'd done anything wrong!  Anyhow, so I think it's learned.  Blame the older sibling!

  6. I have a 4 year old daughter who did this at 31/2

    and the more I said it was not nice the more she would do it so it was more for attention ,AND SHE THOUGHT IT WAS HILARIOUS.....HA ....HA do not worry he will stop they get bored of it after awhile especially if you ignore it

  7. I have a son who's turning 4 this may and he's starting to spit.I don't know where he learned this habit no one in the family spits,my eldest daughter did not learn to spit when she was that age,so I guess its just a behavior they learned from someone,you know these age,they are like copycats.

  8. Its learned.  Perhaps they did it once, accidentally, and noticed the bad reaction it got.  They'll remember that and when they  are angry, frustrated, bored, seeking attention, etc., they will spit.  It is a pretty hard habit to break, though.

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