
Why do children fight?

by Guest60301  |  earlier

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Why do children fight?




  1. Children do what they see done.  (tv, videos, etc)


  2. If your talking about sibling rivalry, then that's just instinct for 2 siblings to end up screaming at each other from across the hall. If your talking about at school girl fights, then, well its just girls, they are mean. They talk behind backs to make others feel bad because it calms their mood. If your talking about punch-punch boy fights, then its because they aren't in the mood to "talk it out" and they feel like a good fight. It all depends on who the kid is.    

  3. seems like cause they have nothing better to do!

  4. Because they're communication and reasoning skills haven't developed yet. Fighting at a young age is almost good to an extent. It teaches them to learn from their mistakes and apologize. Also when you're young you're much more stubborn. Maturity just comes with age.

  5. because they are children

    thats what children do

    come to think of it so do adults..

    and even countries.. so I guess it's human nature.

  6. lack of language skills to communicate with
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