
Why do children get picked on for being human?

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I knew a girl I went to school with who was very bright and verbal and dressed really well, I enjoyed being around her but when she was in grade school she waited a little to long to use the bathroom and wet her pants. The kids were very cruel and deamenaing to her like she commited the worst crime over.

My question is why do some children get picked on for being human and why is thier so much pressure on young kids to be perfect and conform in every way? Why is it such a "sin" if you will to have a c***k in ones armour. PS this happened to this girl in the 6th grade and the taunting did not truly fade away until she was at least in 9th grade. I find this sad. What is your take on this?




  1. kids can be so mean.  things like this happen every day and it is sad.  i guess kids are trying so hard just to fit in they will cast someone else out in a heartbeat to make themselves look better.  it's not right, but not everyone raises their children to be accepting and caring.  very sad...

  2. Children are just cruel unless their parents teach them different.  That is just the reality of it.  And most kids that are cruel have "secrets" themselves that could get them made fun of so they usually want the attention off themselves.  I really wish people could just be human and make mistakes without being treated horribly but even as adults it is the same way and people teach their kids to belittle others when they belittle their own children.  Like for example...The parent that calls their children babies because they cry or because they have an accident or stupid because they get a question wrong.  Those parents teach their kids how to be cruel to others.

  3. Im glad my boys are only a year apart.  To have someone stick up for them.  I'll always remember how my brother did this for me, when getting picked on by a bully walking home from school.  Its harder to pick on 2.  Kind of like Pedro's brother helping him out in Napoleon Dynamite.

  4. I am with you on this, growing up is so painful.   Kids ARE cruel to those who do not 'measure up' in their eyes.  I remember one girl in our classes, she was from a very poor family, came to school dirty and disheveled. She was shunned by everyone, including me.  I am now ashamed of it, and I look back and pity this girl.  I wonder how she ever made out in life.  LOVE is absent in so many situations.......shame on us.

  5. That is sad. I think people who do that are just insecure. I really hate people like that. I would've given her a hug!=]

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