
Why do children/parents love each other?

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Don't take this the wrong way, I love my parents. But, I've been pondering this question for some time... and I can't understand why children/parents love each other. I mean..., aren't flesh and blood the only things that tie them together? Why should a parent raise its offspring? Why should a child love its parents?




  1. Well I'm not sure why a parent "should" raise thier kids...But I'm guessing they just want to raise children and have them grow up happy. Why children love thier parents? Thier parents gave them life, raised them, and took care of them! They didn't have to do all that. And that's kinda why the children have to love thier parents. The parents kinda have to love thier children because they are thier own flesh and blood. And it's kind of hard to explain but... If you were ever to raise or take care of anything you probably would understand.

  2. well its just bondeing.  also if a child is seperated from their parents, i hear that they want to be accepted by someone, to be wanted.

  3. It's called bonds.  We have them all around us.  Parent-child bonds are one of the most strongest bond, why? because it's there since birth, even before, it's in most cases a proof of their love, them being together.  Bonds are wonderful things when not severed, bonds with friends, you care for each other, bonds with bf/gf you try to find out what love means in another way and eventually try to make a child of their own.  We even have bonds, the bonds of human, in most cases we try to help each other, which is why we are here, all the people that answered your question, all the question you have answered.

    Children love their parents because they are the one that took care of you, your first bond, your first friend, your first supporter, your first lover.  The child is in the world because of their parents, even if it seems untrue, all parents care for their child and all child cares for their parent. it's just a part of human nature, even when it seems like it's not present, the truth is some people just don't know how to express it.

  4. Huge question. I think over the centuries anthropological studies of  different cultures have shown that many parental groups  raise children in a group vs the way our society does which is individually so that would mean that it isnt a necessary thing. In China they had even sold children when they were several years old.  Perhaps ego combined with wanting to improve society by raising your children well ( also could be ego or pride) With children  it is role modeling and security that cause them to love ( more need than anything) . Lots of parents do not love their children however. They even murder them so not everyone is ideal. ( or the other way around-children murder parents) but more common is simply favoritism of one child over the other which to me means that it is simply a preference for the qualities of one child as opposed to the other

  5. bonding pretty much, its just like an instinct. like you want to raise them, you want them to be happy, and the children want to be love and to be payed attention too. it just happens naturally.    

  6. It's called "Bonding" it happens at birth.

  7. Becuase parents are the kind of people kids can look up to. When they get to a much older age, they'll look up to someone not related.

    However, what I want to know is why some HAS to like their family. I like mine, I really do. But I choose to. But most people HAVE to like theire family.

    As for the looking upto thing, they'll start looking up to non-related people.

    And I hope you know that I'm not implying whether you have kids or not. Because I don;t know if you do.

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