
Why do children want to get pregnant at a young age for?

by Guest33843  |  earlier

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I just read about 4 young girls (8, 11, 11, 12) getting pregnant; so why do children want to get pregnant at a young age for?




  1. Babies are cute.


    haha. I've actually thought about wanting a baby, but I know better than that. It's just that when you see a baby, they're so adorable. You just want one of your own. But you have to realize that it's not easy. I think that's where teens skip out. And I have never heard of an 8 year old wanting to get pregnant.

  2. The real question is: why would they want to get pregnant at all?

  3. It is a hormonal imbalance. You look at a baby. What do you see? Something cute, lovable, and sweet. I've felt like I wanted children before. It is our maternal instincts manifesting, and we don't know how to deal with the feelings. But, most of the time, it isn't that they want children, but moreover they are having unprotected s*x and getting pregnant.

  4. god only knows some kind of screwed up status symbol or what ever

  5. a lot of them feel like they're playing house.

    they think it will never happen to him.

    they think they'll look "cool."

  6. maybe they dont like how their parents act so they want to prove they can be better ones.

    and also, it could have been a complete accident.

    i mean, an 8 y.o.? i dont even think they have had s*x ed

  7. some want babies

    sometime people just have unprotected s*x, and here are some reason: pressure, love, being horny, or whatever.

  8. :o  i'm 13.. && that scares me ..

  9. Young girls at that age doesn't have any common sence

  10. i dont think its a matter of them not caring or the parents not educating them. i think that they just want a baby. but when it happens its more overwhelming than they thought it would be. the same way you think something little will be easy, it turns out difficult and confusing. no the girls that choose to become pregnant arent w***e$ or stupid or are trying to rebel against their parents.....i just think they want some one to have and love them unconditionally, and having a baby makes you feel wanted, and something actually needs you. but when the baby finally does pop out, the crushing reality hits that its gonna be a long hard road.... :)

  11. i see children having children  the parents havent grown up themselves as yet  maybe

  12. Alot of them think it's all a game. That they can dress their baby up and take them out and play house.

    It's not a Bratz doll, it's a child.

    The parents of these girls need to smarten the h**l up.

  13. They want to prove themselves. They want to be the boss of someone and show their parents how they think it should be done. To them, having a child is a form a control versus a lifetime of responsibility. How do I know? I was that 15yr old that wanted to have a baby. I had one. And at that point it was no longer, "You're grounded" or "Where do u think you're going", etc. It turned into, "Do you need a ride?" and "How long will you be gone?". To a teenager or younger person, having a child and being that child's parent meant that whatever your mother or father said WAS NOT THE FINAL WORD. You have the final word because you are the parent of that child and what you say goes concerning your child. Even to this day, my mom comes to my house and "attempts" to give orders and instructions. And it does me much pleasure to say "Ma, you are a guest in my home and I told my kids bedtime and that is exactly what I meant" And my kids go directly to the room. They look at my mom like, "this woman is crazy and we better go to bed or only God knows what will happen to us if we don't".  I'm 30 and she still give me that "I'm your momma" speech. And I give her the "But I'm their momma and I'm grown" speech. But the difference between myself and half of those teenagers is that I put in time, I put in hours, I took care of my child, I finished school on time, and I went on to college and persued my career. I found resources, enrolled in classes, and made a good name for myself. The link is for a forum I spoke at in defense of my school that helped teenage parents stay on their feet without missing a beat. Didn't miss grad nite-we had it. Didn't miss prom-we had it. Didn't miss girls scouts-we did it and went camping. Now back to the subject---Those children really don't want to have children, they just want something  that they can control and mommy and daddy can't.

  14. Some want to; some don't give a c**p about their lives.

    Some weren't taught, some think "it'll never happen to me", some think it's the in and cool thing to do, some are promiscuous.

    ALL have self-esteem problems and don't respect themselves. Blame the parents mostly. They are the ones who are supposed to form the kids from birth on up.

  15. Some times it it because they want responsbility they dont have some one who particulary loves them, so they have a quicky behind a shed or simething get pregnant have the baby this is because they want a baby who will love them inconsitantly!

  16. Um I would think that maybe they dont no any better. Or maybe they dont want to get preg they just want you know what.

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