
Why do children want to grow up so quickly?!

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When I was in elementary school, I wore overalls, wore braids in my hair and watched Rugrats. Now, today, children that are in that age are wearing what juniors in high school are wearing, they have cell phones and ipods and they think that they're acting just as mature as adults are.

Why? Why are they dumping their childhood so quickly and are so eager to be adults? Thirteen year olds are having s*x and girls my old middle school are having babies!

I just don't understand why they don't want a child hood. I had an awesome one. Does anyone agree with me?

BTW I'm not some crotchety old woman, I'm only sixteen.




  1. It's always about PARENTAL PROGRAMING and kids will basically act the way their parents train and influence them to act..........

    so why not ask: Why are parents training their kids to grow up so fast?

    You're a kid........can  you see exactly how and why you are being parented the way you are?  Sometimes it takes some honest courage to look at how we are being parented to see why we act like we do.

  2. you're absolutely right! and it's sooo pathetic. my little brother wants me to buy him a cell phone for his birthday which is next week[he is going to be 15]. I won't give in and buy him one because I didn't have a cell phone until I was 18 when I had a job and could afford my own. I think children wanna grow up so bad because they can have their own freedom and do what they want. But in reality, it isn't like that at all. I'm 23 and I would give anything to be like 10 again. hahaha

  3. I'm 54 and I still don't want to grow up.


    btw: I was an Army Officer at 18, picked up 3 degrees. Worked for the same company for 29 years and retired at 51 so it isn't like I have been an underachiever.  Forgot I also can handle four languages fairly well.

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