
Why do chinese peope bow before a fight?

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Why do chinese peope bow before a fight?




  1. its a sign of respect

  2. I didn't know Chinese people did that.  Could you be talking about Japanese people, before a judo or karate or sumo match?  And yes, its respect for the opponent.

  3. to show respect.

  4. its a symbol of respect towards the person that they're fighting against, they acknowlege each other, but then they bust each other to bits...




  5. thay are looking at what the other person has on there feet but thay have bad eye sight so have to get close....

    but dont go on about it cos thay get a bit upset ssssh

  6. To show respect for one's opponent.

  7. It's a way of respect to show 'no hard feelings, before I KICK YOUR ***'

  8. Showing respect to the opponent fighter. They beleive that one should never underestimate their opponent.

  9. It is a mark of respect to your opponent, very much as we shake hands before the battle commences such as snooker tournaments and football matches.

  10. It's a martial arts thing, not specifically chinese people. Bowing seems to be used to show respect in many Eastern cultures so it's been made into tradition in many martial arts, people of all nationalities bow before a match in some of the martial arts.

  11. It's the fashion - the same as western boxers touching gloves before they beat the sh*t out of each other.

  12. It is called courtesy and respect. Boxers used to shake hands before and after a fight. Now commercial considerations mean that the "Big Fight" is always a grudge fight and the so called sport loses something because of it

  13. Sign of respect

  14. To show respect for their opponent.

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