If you have watched olympics these past few weeks, you must have noticed on TV, different kinds of food that chinese eat, from snakes to dogs to lizards to bugs to scorpions to pretty much anything...It is probabbly safe to assume that Chinese eat more diverse animal meat than than anybody in the world.
Some of the food shown on TV is really gross looking and probably tastes the same for people not used to eating those food.
It made me wonder why they eat almost any animal they could lay their hands on? Is it just a cultural thing or Is there some reason behind it? A friend of mine once told me China had a great famine sometime ago and they had no staple food to survive on, and that time they started eating all kinds of animals to stay alive and it kinda caught on from there? Is that true or the Chinese are used to eating these food since many many centuries??
I am not trying to offend chinese or anyone, I just want to know the reason behind their eating habits. Please respond if you know the answer. Thank you.