
Why do christian fundamentalists in America give such fanatical support to Zionism?

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Did it just happen? was it organised ? and what effect does it have on the United States?





  2. You have opened up a can of worms.

    I just made this realization a few years ago.

    It seems that Zionists and Christian Zionists believe that if they fulfill what they believe to be the signs of the end times according to the book of Revelations that they can hurry the Day of Judgment, i.e the Rapture.

    By helping Israel, they believe they are getting closer to the rapture.

    It is *very* well organized.  There are many "charities" funneling all kinds of money to this cause.

    The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is one of the most organized of these "charities" and they send millions to Israel to support their cause each year.  The money does *not* go for the causes listed on their site.  It goes to fund their undeclared war on the Palestinians.

    They're loons.

  3. The prime reason is the 'Scofield bible' which is a Zionist hoax and which sells the heresy of Christian Zionism to the gullible evangelicals.

    It was written by Crypto-Zionist Cyrus Scofield.

    Zionist evangelical preachers get backed on the Zionist media to promote this heresy . There are those who suspect that many of these preachers may themselves be crypto (hidden) Zionist Jews themselves.

    Ted Pike is a Zionist aware pastor who exposes how supremacist  Zionist bully organizations like the ADL are actually trying to introduce Hate Speech laws with the covert aim of outlawing Christian teaching as Hate speech as they have done already  to some  success in Canada and  Europe.

    when looking at 'Christian Zionism' why does  the expression to be sleeping with the enemy come to mind ?

  4. Support for Zionism was one of the factors that lead to terrorist attacks. And the Jewish minority in the US is a very powerful one in terms of finances.

    Christian fundamentalists probably have a bad view of Islam and support Israel because they don't get along.

  5. I wonder that myself.  Seriously, what is with all the love-hate relationships of the Religious Right?

  6. they just do nae know any better, besides according to them the Christian center of the world is the USSA,

    you might think the think that Christ spoke English American style.

    very little affect i believe as the USSA is becoming more secular every day just like the UK, this due to political correctness and a lack of Christain courage to really stand up and fight for their beliefs the MUSLIMs are steadily taking over.

    the Zionist days are drawing close to the end. i for one do nae want to be muslim

  7. Two things here.

    First, Zionism began as a survivalist response to the growing European Anti-Semitism in the late 19th century.  It wasn't realized until after the Holocaust and stories of Auschwitz and the voyage of the S.S. St. Louis highlighted the need for a separate Jewish state--the only place where Jews can be Jews and not worry about the government turning on them.

    For myself, I am a Zionist because I see Israel as the only Democracy in the Middle East.  Really though, all you have to do is visit Israel once to fall in love with the country.  I won't go into too much detail, but the way they recycle, use solar panels everywhere, conserve water, it's commendable.  Their Legislature is heavily mixed with multiple religions and multiple ethnic groups (yes, and a large Arabic representation).

    Now for the bad part.  The American Religious Right has its roots from the Nadir of Race Relations, so even though it is anti-semitic at its core, Jerusalem plays a pivotal role in "the rapture" from Revelations in The New Testament of the Christian Bible.  Thus it must be preserved and protected.  As for the Jews that live there, in short, they're perceived as "going to h**l anyway" once the "the rapture" occurs.  I am sure that there is grey area in the above statement, but really that's the main idea.

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