
Why do christians believe that the 66 books of the Bible comprise the totality of the words of God?

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The Bible was established at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. It met at the instigation of the Emperor Constantine the Great. It is said that Constantine did not care particularly which books were chosen. His main concern was to put a stop to the proliferation of sects and create a disciplined State religion. ( In this approach he could be said to be like Lincoln whose main objective was not to free the slaves but to maintain the Union ) How do Christians feel about the books of their Bible having been assembled for opportunistic purposes by a cynical and manipulative dictator?




  1. Vot can't say it better than grnlow!!!

    So ditto.

  2. A true seeker, not one of the many sheep paying lip service, knows that the compendium of books "bible" is only one piece of research material into the word of God.

  3. we have the 66 books in their entirity remember anything added or taken away from gods word thier portion of life is taken . so anyone saying that the bible is not complete should remember that a judgement has been place in almighty gods word  the bible for those who add or delete things written into it .

  4. Because whatever that had been assembled was still written by men of God and their words are still the truth.

  5. All I can add to grnlow's answer is this:

    Mal 3:16

    At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke to one another,

    each one with his companion,

    and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening.

    And a book of remembrance began to be written up before Him

    for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon His name.

  6. The NT canon of scripture was not established by Constantine at the Council of Nicea. It began many decades before this and continued for over a 80 years after his death. The gospels to be accepted had to be accepted as Apostolic hence the term "the Gospel according to ..." even though they were originally written by anonymous educated Greek speaking writers and therefore not by any of Jesus's followers who are mentioned as being illiterate farmers and fishermen.

  7. I tend to believe that Christians play a double edge sword here. They say that the words of the Bible (which were written by men) are infallible. Yet he still allows it to be mistranslated, misinterpreted, and even edited  (hence king James) by men. With words so perfect and divine wouldn't you think that it's truth would be undeniable?

  8. It first came down to earlier historians who determined which books were inspired and to be included within the bible canon.  Interesting that the Apocrypha books are not included amongst the 66 within the protestant bible simply because they are only of historical value and do not add to the theme of scripture.  In the first century the Septuagint was used by Jesus and the apostles but who never quoted those Apocrypha books when we read the Christian scriptures. Jewish authorities also recognize those 27 books within our Hebrew Old Testament as being a part of their holy writings.   Historians such as: Josephus, Justin Martyr, Philo, Alexandria all accepted the 39 Greek New Testament books as part of the canon and rejected any others as being inspired.

    Constantine in "my book" used his political influence to build up his empire by using the scriptures as a tool.  The church had complete control for hundreds of years and did a great disservice to those who challenged their authority.  

    The best thing about the Reformation was the invention of the very first movable type printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany which printed its first publication the Latin Vulgate Bible and was thereafter available to the "common people." It wasn't until after the council of Trent that Protestant bible's excluded the Apocrypha.

    The 66 individual books that make up The Bible are in complete harmony with each other and fully sufficient to understand God's word for us today. Translations are not completely error free but that doesn't mean we cannot find truth. .God has used whatever means to make sure his message is available to us even though opposer's have tried to destroy it.  God promised He would never allow that to happen by promising to preserve his Holy Word " alive."

  9. You are correct about Lincoln.  In fact, he really did not free anyone as his law only applied to Union States where slaves were already free.  as you are also correct about Constantine.

    What makes the difference is God.  It would not be the first time He used a unrighteous man, a political man to perform a service for His interests, nor the last.  Probably the most overlooked aspects of God is His power to do what He wishes.  Protecting His Word, the Bible, in its approved state of 66 books is one of them.

    It took 1,520 years to write, 39 men used as secretaries.  It appears to be important to Him for us to have this information.  He has in the past destroyed whole armies, brought on the Flood, even created the entire universe.  Why do people think He could not protect His writings?

  10. because we have faith in our religion, and what it teaches us, happy?

  11. God thru his evident truth inspires the unsaved to do the right thing.  So truth rises no matter what.  He turns the hearts of kings....

  12. they don't care because their close minded and won't listen to facts only fantasy

  13. Because they have "faith," i.e., belief without a shred of evidence. Faith and utter denial of facts go hand in hand.

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