
Why do christians claim atheists have no morals?

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Atheism is not a belief system. It is a disbelief in the concept of god. Instead of investing in religion they invest in science, politics, or philosophy. How are atheist forced to live life without morals or happiness?




  1. The christians are the ones who need a book to tell them not to have s*x with animals, cheat on their spouses, etc. etc.

    Atheists don't need a higher authority to tell them the obvious.

  2. It's hard to answer a question when it is so generalized

  3. Because they define morality as professing faith.  After you do that, you have given yourself forgiveness for every lie you tell, every crime you commit, and every action of hate you perform.

  4. I don't claim that. I claim that moral absolutes can only exist if God exists.

    Moral absolutes do exist, for example:

    It is wrong to abuse children.

    It is wrong to rape someone.

    If it is social evolution then these things are not wrong in an absolute sense.

    God created ALL people in His image - atheist, Christian, pagan, etc..

    which is why we all have morals.

  5. I don't know, but I hate it when they tell me I have no morals.  I do have them, I just don't need a book to tell me what's right and what's wrong.  I can think for myself, thank you.

    Nice point.  Although not all christians say that, just a good portion of them.  Some can be pretty extreme (like the person above me, jonathan).

  6. People who don't understand morality often feel the need to comment upon other people's morals.  

  7. Evidence, vary valuable evidence!  LOL! with tears, LOL!  

  8. Personally I've never claimed Atheists have no morals.  You don't have to be religious to have morals.

  9. Morality is non existent if there is no God. Morality for an Atheist worldview is obeying an imaginary law that was formed by random chemical processes which is different for every individual. Atheists obviously don't follow the morality of the majority of society, or they would be following the religious beliefs like against homosexuality, adultery,ect.. Atheists are immoral and haters of the truth and do according to their own selfish desires.

  10. They like to project.

  11. Who is doing that?

  12. Based on fear that we may be right and they are wrong.

  13. I feel it's more a discouragement of theirs.  Stay in your membership group, and be happy.  Stray... and oh, how lost you'll be.  Plus the invisible man in the sky will condemn you to burn in h**l for all eternity if you should become one of them.

    It's really no different than all the propaganda you hear whenever your country goes to war with someone.  Is it even close cousins with the truth?  Of course not.  But it sure rallies the troops.

  14. Because they are rotten, stinking, non-believers who are going to Burn! BURN!!


    You can never have morals if you don't think a giant guy in the sky is looking down and going to squish you if you do something bad. Duh.

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