
Why do christians worship the death of God as their salvation?

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Don't you think the devil would find that deliciously ironic?

I mean, you wear the symbol of Gods death around your necks and put it up on your holy places.




  1. they believe he that jesus sacrificed himself for the greater good of humanity  

  2. It's not the symbol of God's death.  It's Jesus who died on the cross.  Jesus was God's son, part of the trinity(God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost).  He came to earth, lived a perfect sinless life, performed miracles and preached of his father, then he died on the cross, was buried, and then rose again 3 days later.  He asked God to forgive us before he died.  This act is what makes it possible for us to go to heaven.  He not only died, but he was resurrected 3 days later..he isn't dead now.  That cross is a symbol of his sacrifice and love for us.  That's why Christians treat it with respect.

  3. I worship that he died for my sins, washing them away, but that would mean nothing if he hadn't ROSE AGAIN, setting Christianity apart from any other religion.

  4. When you think about it Christianity is death and fear orientated & very little else

  5. Jesus lives...he was resurrected and ascended to heaven 3 days after the Crucifixion.

    It is a symbol that is for all that until the day of judgment, that the promise still stands for any sinner of any stature that will accept will be

    forgiven by God himself...

  6. Firt of all, it's not just death, it's also resurrection.

    Second, Christ's death is the atonement and redemption of all creation.  Any other person's death is loss. Christ's death is a triumph.

    I think you really know that.

  7. The devil was eternally defeated by the event.  He sees it an anything but delicious.

  8. My God did not die.  His son, Jesus did.  

    To the lady above, J.W. do believe in Jesus.

  9. Mormons neither wear a cross, place one on our buildings of worship or worship a dead God.  Our Savior was resurrected and is a living God, working in unity with God the Father and the Holy Ghost.

  10. lol Now, that's original thinking. But, it says more than a ton of tomes on xianity.

  11. No.

    We celebrate the resurrection, the defeat of death, by the Son of God.

    The cross reminds us of what he did for us because of how much he loves us.

  12. Because the plan of salvation was accomplished through his death.  It represents salvation to me.

  13. No It is God Himself we worship.

    No the devil is jealous. He wants to die but cannot.

  14. In the Garden of eden, sin entered the world and the dominion that God had given to man was lost to sin.God is holy, and pure. The penalty to sin is death. But God loves us so much that He sent His son, Jesus to die a horrible death, so that sin, disease, and death could be defeated. He paid a debt that He did not owe, so that He could spend eternity with us with the Father in Heaven, h**l was not originally created for man, but rather for the rebellious followers of the devil. The devil comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy, Jesus comes to give you life, and life more abundantly . There is a very real h**l to shun and a very real Heaven to embrace.God is so holy that He cannot look upon any sin, there are no big sins or little sins, all sin is separation from God. The only way to the Father is through Jesus, he came to heal the sick, to forgive the sinner, to set those who are captive free, and to be a friend to every man woman and child who will call upon Him. Jesus want h**l to be empty, and Heaven to be full, personally I could care less what the devil thinks, or says, he is under my foot,he is a defeated entity.God is my source, my provider, my strong tower, my deliverer, my shepherd,and i do not want for anything, even in this recession, and i am on a fixed income.Ask God to reveal Himself to you, it will be His great pleasure. Good luck, and God bless. And by the way, Jesus is alive, and God is very real, so is The Holy Spirit.I worship God, and I am thankful that Jesus took my place and died for me, and The Holy Spirit helps me, and comforts me.

  15. He died for us.  We are grateful, it's a reminder to be grateful.

  16. You are mistaken... We appreciate the sacrifice that Jesus made by dying on the cross for our sins - but we worship the Savior who rose again the third day just as He said He would.  Without His death on that tree we could never have salvation and live for all eternity with Him in paradise.

    But I do appreciate why you would think the way you do.  It does seem barbaric to wear a cross doesn't it.  

  17. It takes something perfect and right to rectify a wrong. Look at it like this: If a kid in school answers that 5+5=9 that of coarse is the wrong answer. To redeem and rectify the wrong answer, the student needs to make the answer 10. In a similar manner all of mankind commit sins. A sinner can't enter Heaven.Heaven requires a person to be sinless. Being sinless is impossible for mankind. So, God made a way for mankind to become sinless. --Jesus.  Not once did He ever sin. In effect, Jesus imparted His sinless-ness to us. In sacrificing Himself FOR  us, on our behalf  (It's like the above kid illustration now having his 9 taken away for him and a 10 replacing it.)  God accepted Jesus perfection as our perfection thus making us sinless.It took Jesus death to give it to us thereby giving us life.


  19. No. Only JWs celebrate the death of Jesus, but they are not Christians

    Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus

  20. Something about sacrifice being the most loving and selfless act someone could do for another. Why having that be such an integral part of a religion is beyond me.

  21. "My God die not die. His Son, Jesus did." Sounds like an argument for the polytheism that Christianity really is, albeit utterly denied by Christians themselves. When Christianity invented the conundrum called the "Trinity" they unwittingly complicated even more the doctrines of Christianity, and added to the multiple contradictions that exist in their fraudulent faith.

    The above, in brief, is the reason why there are over 1,000 factions fighting each other for the gold medal in "doctrinal truth." Precious, isn't it?

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