
Why do cigarettes have so much poisen ?

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plz dont give me a stupid answer like "because there so stupid and g*y" But is there really a reason they have so much harmful poisens




  1. I wish I knew, I smoke, but I think it is so silly/gross/harmful.  I wish I had the willpower to quit.  But I don't know, Great question. Sorry I did not answer it for you.

  2. I actually researched tobacco the plant instead of just cigarettes.

    Nicotine is a natural chemical, that occurs in certain plants of the Nightshade family, that includes other poisonous plants like tomatoes(their leaves) and Datura(jimsion weed).

    The plant's produce the chemicals to prevent animals from eating them. Which usually works except in humans who find the effects pleasurable at times. Nicotine is sometimes used as a natural pesticide to kill bugs. Nicotine is very deadly if consumed or touched in a concentrated form, but when cured and put in a smokeable form their effects happen over time.

    Big tobacco companies add pesticides and preservatives in cig's that also cause harm to people.  But I don't think they can be completely at blame.

  3. In the olden days, all the poisons were thought to be medicinal. Nicotine was used so people liked the treatment. Medical research now says smoking causes disease, not treatment.Treatment is only by real medicine and more proven remedies now. Only tribes use traditional treatment that is not a common remedy.

  4. When they put things like nicotine into cigarettes, they don't see a poison, say "Oh, hey, that can kill you." and add it to the mix. Nicotine is legal and can get you a little high, it's not just a rat poison.

    If you mean all the carcinogens (things that cause cancer) in cigarettes, I really don't know why they're there.

    Coffee is similar, the caffeine in it can give you a little "boost" but the more it is roasted the more carcinogenic chemicals are present. That's what I've heard but I don't know if it's entirely true.

    The carcinogens might be just by-products of production. And anyway, a lot of things can poison you. Natural almond flavoring I believe has traces of a poison. You can get sick or die from eating too many apple seeds, although you're pretty retarded to eat apple seeds in the first place lol. There are many common things that can kill you if you ingest too much of them.

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