
Why do citizens of the United States of America refer to their homland as the greatest country in the world?

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I think you'll find it's actually a federation, not a country.




  1. Americans love their country and are proud of their achievements and willing to express their emotions and feeling of love and loyalty and yes patriotism.

    Problem is, very few Americans seem to have any idea of where all their ideas of freedom and liberty actually come from.

    Let me give you a clue.

    Half of the signatories to the American Declaration of Indepenence were Welsh.

    Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Consitution, was also Welsh.

    So too was Dylan Thomas. . .

    All the rest were a group of English, Irish and Scots.  None of these people said they were Americans.  And, if you had asked them, they might have said, "I'm a Virginian" or "I'm a New Yorker", but never an American.

    Do Americans honestly believe they invented 'trial by jury'?

    Actually, trial by jury was invented by the English, right here in England who also created Magna Carta - a document which we still argue about today.

    A Lobster demonstrates the use of the Brown Bess Musket

  2. Why do Americans,(except democrats/liberals),think our country is great,well lets see,europe has double digit unemployment,thanks to liberal policy's,africa can`t feed its self,mexico will not take care of it`s people,they expect us to,ditto for most of s.america,the Mideast,well you see what a paradise that is,most of asia is in the tank,russia is falling back into communism,as for our education thanks to liberals our,children are being dumbed down,another 10 yrs of liberalism,and our country will just be another impoverished nation,with no pride,ambition,or independence.

  3. The reason that we say that IS BECAUSE IT IS THE GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD and if you think otherwise just LEAVE and don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you......

  4. what language do they talk

  5. How would you know? You don't live here? The United States of America is a country, but not a nation by defination. A federation, what ever you want to call it, it is a union(united) of states(states) in America(of America). It not that complicated, sort of like the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, the union of German states to form Germany, without it it is not the same country. Where would the US be without Texas, New York, Michigan? Peace from America.

  6. You call it a federation; we call it a federal republic (or, more commonly, a republic).

  7. same as anyone in any country, their country is always the best in the world, its called patriotism

  8. Because it is I've lived over the pond and in Asia America is all they talk of They dress act like Americans They watch our movies They know our president They peg their money to ours Dang Air bus is a E U company and still sells their planes in U S dollars

    My Asian wife and i use to talk of travelling in Europe she has been here six months Now she has said ''Why spend the money American has so many things to see and do'' She use to work with expats Brits in Asia and did not like America Said to me ''Americans only pretend to help'' Told her to not to talk to me if she wants to talk like this Today she as many friends in America Thinks we are the most open and friendly people she has met She does not dislike the Brits but I'm working on that....It's pay back time

    As an aside I view the E U as one big museum filled with small smug envious people

  9. Never could understand this statement because we all know that Scotland is the best country in the world.  Free health care, beautiful; scenery, polite policemen (who do not  need to carry guns), freedom to express an opinion on any subject, including criticising our politicians if we feel so inclined.  Not too bad for pollution, even in our cities ...... etc. etc.

  10. One glance at any one of a million vidios on youtube will tell you that the average american can't tell you where austria is on a map (ie they can't even get the right continent)....if their education is that bad, you really can't expect them to know the difference between a country and a federation....

  11. No, it's a Republic.  You must be a college student.  "And to the Republic for Which It Stands."

  12. ive never heard of any americans saying that about their country

  13. The only problem with the USA is that it's full of Americans.

  14. Because the majority of them have never travelled outside its borders!

  15. Yes it's a damb pity that America is going to be no more, going to be funny to not have the U.S.A. on our maps anymore, once it get's lumped together with Mexico and Canada, 'The North West Union'.


  16. Now I wouldn't exactly call myself a fan of the american's but i must admit they have got something right here.

    If every country had this sort of pride in their country, then there would not be the problems we have in ours. Imagine that everyone loved to live in  Britain, and we were proud to call ourselves British, then we would all work towards the greater good of the economy, and not mess about collecting dole payments claiming to have looked for a job having done nothing of the sort.

    As for it being the only country worth living in, I think you will find that it would be worth while living there if it wasn't for the fact that over 90% of the people living there are American...

  17. Country is a generic term for a sovereign nation, and although it could be called a federation, the national government has taken most of the power of the states away ... likely the result of technology and communication ... but that's another story.

    Americans are typically very proud of their country. A nation that 225 years ago was a colony of the British Empire, and in a very unlikely turn of events, successfully seceded and became the most powerful and influential nations in the world.

    Some other countries are envious of our influence, although many of our allies benefit from our military strength.

    On a social level, the US is a safe place to live, offers an excellent education, top medical facilities, affordable energy and transportation, where its citizens have individual rights to speech, vote, assembly, and religion.

    Compared to undeveloped nations like China, corruption in Central and South America, religious wars in the Middle East, and civil wars in Africa ... I guess that it is a good choice as a place to live.

    I guess in short that says it. Shame everyone hates Americans, since we protect most of the civilized would and fund much of the rest.

  18. Because of all of the people trying to enter & stay in this country illegally they think it is the greatest in the world  They figure if it was not there would not be so many trying to get into this country illegally They would go some place else

  19. facts are facts.

  20. Delusion perhaps?

    RayNhere is a prime example - keep taking the meds!!

  21. No its actually a big piece of cream cheese with cheddar dipping biscuits on top.

  22. Having lived there over 30 years I can answer that.!  They are very proud of their beautiful Country and it's amazing history and achievements in it's short two hundred years.!

    When some Americans criticise it the response rings loud and true. " Name a better Country." and they can't.! America, for all it's shortcomings is the only place worth living and that's the truth of it.!

  23. Many US citizens do not travel abroad.  They have no real basis for their claim.  Lastly the the USA is a republic.

  24. they say that because it is a free country and it also has the capital of the world

  25. Patriotism, what is wrong with having pride in one's country?

  26. Either way, it is self-love blown up out of proportion.

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