
Why do city drivers zip in and take the room you have left yourself to stop in a hurry if you needed to?

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Why do city drivers zip in and take the room you have left yourself to stop in a hurry if you needed to?




  1. Because they are selfish and put their needs literally before others.

  2. You are doing a great job keeping your distance from other drivers.The people who pull in your safety zone have no common sence and are poor drivers.

  3. Disrespectful crummy people who think they have to get ahead of anyone in front of them. Just ignore them and think happy least you aren't married to a jerk like that !! Could you imagine what that guy is like at home.??

  4. I've run into the same problem & sometimes it seemed they were trying to peel the paint off of the car's 1/4 panel  while doing it. My take is that they're in a hurry & they're the MOST important person on the road. Funny though, I usually catch them at the next light & then they stay just in front of me until they finally turn off at their destination. All that gas & reckless driving didn't save them squat!

  5. Too much on their plate to be focused on driving, leaving at the last minute or lack of education about rules of the road & physics!!

    Congradulations on keeping your space!!  It is a pain in the rear for most of us who do it, but we are less likely to get ourselves into an accident.  Let the idiots fly down the road you'll be right behind them with a lot better outlook on your trip.

  6. because everyone is in a hurry to get ahead ,if its just one car at a time they figure they have done something,its like that every where you go ,not just in the city,s. its like that in small towns now also,good luck.

  7. Because they are RUDE!!!

  8. Because one can get a licence without actually demonstrating that one can drive safely in traffic. The technology used in flight simulators to train pilots is now much more cheap and accessable. Why aren't drivers trained as rigorously as pilots? An auto is a potentially deadly device and we should do more to restrict their operation to those who can (and will) use them safely.

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