
Why do civilians praise people who join the US military

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Have these people been watching TV so much they have been brainwashed? If they understood, the military is the tool of the elite. If the elite doesn't have something then they go ahead and invade a country that has what they want like oil. That's why North Korea isn't invaded or Darfar isn't being helped. That's why Somalia was intervened - oil companies(Chevron) wanted to dig for oil because it is right across from Saudi Arabia.




  1. Because they are brave people who are willing to die for YOUR right spout out stupid non facts......


    What a load of dog doo doo - elite? elite? d**n, to think they keep your butt safe.

  3. Why don't u join the military and find out.  Instead of sitting on ur A** all day watching tv.

  4. cause we protect u b******s and even though u talk about us behind our backs, the only reason why u are able to is because we are keeping you alive to do so

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