
Why do college students get special privileges that high school students do not?

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Why does my cousin get to schedule his classes whenever he wants to? (He comes on Yahoo Answers as "The Tramp"). Why does he get out of school at 12:00 while I have to stay until 3:25? It's not fair. He gets out for summer and Christmas earlier and goes back much later than I do. Why does he get to choose but we don't? Why do college students get to do stuff that high school students cannot?




  1. 1. That college student is paying thousands to go to school - you are not.  Privilages come with dollar signs.

    2. Colleges are much bigger and have many, many, many more classes.  The time you get out of class just depends on what classes you take, and you don't HAVE to take certain classes to graduate.  College is like one big elective, in a way, because you can be part time or full time.  High school is strictly full time, and this is enforced by the government.  

    3.  He's been through high school and paid his dues.  You will, too.  And then you'll be the one telling high school kids to bugger off when they ask you this same question.

    4. They have longer breaks because what they go through is about 3x what you go through in high school.  College is HARD AS h**l.

  2. "Why does my cousin get to schedule his classes whenever he wants to?"

    Because colleges are larger than high school, so they have to offer more sections for each class. Maybe your 11th grade English is only offered twice in the day, but expository writing at your cousin's college is offered 8 times.

    "Why does he get out of school at 12:00 while I have to stay until 3:25?"

    Maybe he gets out before noon on Monday Wednesday, and Friday, but he also has to stay until 9:00 at night for his Tues/Thurs class. That's how it usually was for me, and it's no fun.

    "He gets out for summer and Christmas earlier and goes back much later than I do."

    Yeah, but in the shorter period of time that he spends in classes, he has to learn a lot more, a lot faster.

    "Why do college students get to do stuff that high school students cannot?"

    Because they do.

  3. If they live away from home they get to drink, have s*x and party all they want without parents harassing them. They also have a lot more choice with what classes they want to take and no one is going to spoon feed them while they study.

    It's not about not being fair. Your cousin had to go to high school too. Wait until you're old enough to go to college and then you can get the same privileges.

  4. Because we are paying for it, also majority of college students are adults, and I don't mean being in your early 20's. I mean people well into their 50's are in college. Classes can be scheduled around your work schedule or even your child's schedule, whatever your life style entails. High School students still need parental supervision, because they are under age. Even if you were in HS and got out at noon you would not be aloud to be out and about on the streets unless you were going to work. College students don't have that problem.

  5. He PAYS for his school, high school kids don't.....taxes your parents pay for PAY for your high school.  Since he PAYS for his own school in college, you SHOULD have the privelege to do whatever the h**l you want, it's HIS money so if he gets a class that ends at 12:00 and he's done for the day so be it.  It's very fair.

  6. Mostly because of education level and maturity.  He has gone through high school too--he didn't go from elementary school to college!  They are also mostly more mature than high school students and are better at time management and knowing what they need to learn in order to get a job.  Calm down, you'll get there!

  7. Because I have already paid my dues. Now it's your turn.

    Yes, I caught you, Mr. Wizard!

    You're Busted!

  8. Colleges don't require students to be on campus from 8-3 or whatever hours high school in your area do.  And college students don't usually go to the same classes everyday - a    3-credit hour class only meets 1 hour 3 times per week, a     2-credit hour class only meets 1 hour twice a week, etc. College students not only choose which classes to take each semester, but also the instructor they want for each class.  

    It is also called being an adult and your parents not needing to know where you are all day long.  You will have the same privileges when you get there, don't worry.  In the meantime, it gives you something to look forward to. :-)

  9. It is a new stage in life.

    Every stage in life has its own privileges yet duties.

    Each stage has its own characteristics, and we do more in life, or grow older, we move from one stage to another.

  10. Well, I guess you could say high school is more structured than college in a way.  College is sort of the middle ground between school and real life.  You still have schedules to keep (which never goes away for as long as you work) but no one will beat you over the head with it.  You're expected to be more responsible and go to class but no one will report you to the principle.  Instead, you just fail.  That's how college is.  As far as the class schedule goes, colleges have lots of classes running at all different times.  I had a 7-10pm physics lab once in undergrad and 7-9pm lecture classes in undergrad and in grad school.  Also 8am chemistry classes followed by 9am physics classes.  Ugh.  Your cousin just managed to get all morning classes - either by choice or default.  Depending on his major and class load that will likely change every semester.

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