
Why do commoners answer questions in this section if they aren't Royalty?

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Why do commoners answer questions in this section if they aren't Royalty?




  1. Because we know the answers!

  2. Silly question: this is the place for anyone to post questions about royalty,no special pedigree required!

  3. We "commoners" answer questions in this section because the Royals are all busy doing good deeds!

    best of luck to you!

  4. Because people of royal blood have better things to do at 0300 in the morning than fiddle around on their laptops.

  5. two reasons:

    1, if we wait for royalty to answer... We'd be waiting a long time...

    2, because commoners might know the answer...

    Besides, if with your question you actually thought this is the place to ask the royalty a question I sadly have to disappoint you. This is a place where normal people ask other normal people questions about royalty ( And with normal people I of course mean people not of royal blood. However, it is possible that a royal or people with royalty in their bloodlines might be answering or questioning on Y/A. It is not forbiden for them to partake in this endeavour)

    Hope that answers your question.

  6. because the royals are too busy to bother with jerks like you.

  7. I think William would rather have a nice dinner with Kate than spend his evening on Yahoo! Answers.  And I think Charles is busy pruning rose bushes while Camilla tries not to spill her gin while lighting another cigarette.  The Queen, however, would get a kick out of this category.  Thanks for your creative question.

  8. Because 'commoners' are the ones who the royals are supposed to serve and they protect their country for our benefit so we have every right to comment.

  9. I really cannot say why they should misuse one's prerogative in this manner. Most perplexing.

  10. And your Prince William?

    My dads the embassador of the UK!


  11. The questions asked are about the supposed "Royals" which in this day and age is just a laugh. And you are Prince "Who?"

  12. A commoner is also important, without the so called discrimination word" common" there would not even be royalty, think on that.

    And why you so sure there's no royalty here....? Some people have in their family tree royalty.

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