
Why do communist Cubans hate America's democracy, feerdoms, Free economic trades, and Capitalism?

by Guest65584  |  earlier

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also, Most cuban exiles in USA are loyal to communism and Castro bros.




  1. why are you posting on what you dont know? America is not into free trade dear, America loves subsidies and tarrifs and all sorts of other sneaky tactics, that go against the spirit of free trade. Educate yourself, dont be lazy and expect me to do it for you

  2. because democracy isn't the end all be all answer for the world.

    to each their own.

  3. They don't. They want to exist as they choose, not as you choose.

  4. Because the US has blockaded Cuba for decades and even used terrorism to try to kill Castro.

    The US hates communism, so it blockades Cuba, but wait a minute, China has lots of economic trade benefits, so the US doesn't mind Chinese communism so much and deals with them quite happily.

  5. I say 'send 'em back to Cuba...a bunch of ingrates, greedy ingrates!

  6. Is today oppsite day????

  7. Because anyone truly loyal to a political philosophy is crazy.

  8. Because they are jealous at our Mexican-American Empire

  9. look man im cuban myself. i am here to tell you that if you think that "most" cubans here still like castro you are as wrong as h**l. commies suck *** and ill give you that and they hate it here because we have freedoms and they dont. belive me you most likely dont even know that many cubans to make that statement.

  10. You do not know Jack.......

    My 2 cents.

  11. because the are frustrated due the blockade

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