
Why do companies ask for a resume and application when both have the same information?

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Why do companies ask for a resume and application when both have the same information?




  1. Actually, a resume and the details on an application should not be just copies of one another.

    A resume is intended to present you in your best light and to get you in for an interview.  A resume should *not* tell the prospective employer everything there is to know about you; it should tantalize.

    An application, on the other hand, is a formal document that can become part of your employment file.  It will cover everything from soup to nuts and, if it contains critical "inaccuracies", can be the basis for termination.

  2. Simple.  they are more versed to read the application. I have seen some awful resumes that you can't make head nor tales from..  It may also be policy.

  3. they don't contain the same information...................

    they do contain SOME of the same information.

    an application is a legal document that contains certain information needed and allowed to make a hiring decision.

    a resume is a highlight film of your life in relation to employment.

  4. They ask for an application because 1) there is certain information they want to have on file and 2) they want to make it equal for all applicants by having the same info from them

  5. The resume and employment application are not the exactly the same.  I do not see applications that include information about criminal convictions or professional references, for example.  Also there is a signed statement on the application; take a look at the fine print.  

    A resume can include or exclude anything the writer wants, so it allows for creative writing.  If there is duplication between the application and resume in the job history section, simply write "see resume".  The standardized format of the application helps companies compare and screen applicants.

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