
Why do competative divers always shower right after a dive?

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Like in the Olympics, there is always a working shower right next to the pool, and divers always go to it and shower off after leaving the pool. What is the point of this, if they are going to keep diving the rest of the evning?




  1. Because the pool water is cold and the showers are nice and warm.  

  2. It's just to get the chlorine out. They don't want to have the chlorine on their body for several hours. Plus, it's always recommended to shower before getting into the pool.

  3. They are not really showering...they are just keeping their muscles warm in preparation for their next dive. If they do not stand  underneath the water their muscles could get stiff. Hope this helps!!

  4. Theories have ranged from 'to get the chlorine off' to 'they want to have fun' -- seriously, that last one is a direct quote from NBC's diving analyst, Cynthia Potter. Neither are the reason.

    Divers shower in between each dive to keep their muscles warm after getting out of the pool. The temperature of the pool water and the air are usually different (the pool is usually around 80 degrees, with the air temperature between 68 and 72 degrees). This difference can cause muscle tightness. To combat this, divers warm up in either the showers or a hot tub.

    Mystery: solved. (Although we're still a bit unclear as to why the showers are out in the open.The water cube cost over $200 million to build. They couldn't have put a privacy wall in?!)

  5. the water in the shower is warm. it warms there body so they can stay flexible for there next dive

  6. wat they are doin is keeping their muscles warm so they dont get tight for the next dive.. so they really arent showering

  7. Divers sometimes have to wait a long time- even hours- between dives. Being covered in chlorine for that long is not pleasant. Also, they sometimes put sweet suits on over their swim clothes- not very nice to get those covered in chlorine either.

    The Olympics don't show you all the waiting around that the athletes do. Some dive and swim competitions even have hot tubs available for the competitors between events.  

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