
Why do cons say a senator is not as qualified as a Governor?

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They blast Obama as being unqualified because he is just a Senator when John McCain is a Senator as well? Are they really honestly saying Palin is better than both then? I smell hypocrisy.




  1. First of all Obama and McCain have experience only as Senators, and nothing else.

    And a governor has absolutely no international experience (except that Palin wanted Alaska to split from the US and then that would have been an international situation,)

  2. No, we blast Obama for being a less than one term Senator.  McCain has served multiple terms.  Try and gain an understanding of what it is we're saying before you criticize people.

  3. What has Obama done politically besides give a few speeches???

    I smell bullshit

  4. I'm sure she got to make all kinds of decisions in Alaska..... NOT!

    They even have the gall to say she has military experience because the governor commands the Natl Guard. I have not heard of any wars or disasters breaking out up there.

  5. All past presidents have been gov. not since JFK

  6. In actual working days in her current position, she has more than Obama.

  7. I saw that interview that Katie Kurek did with those two republican clowns and I applaud her for calling them out on their over-the-top spin efforts.  She basically told that McCain aid that he was full of bull, and then the republican senator sitting with them said, "well I'm a senator too and I have experience" LOL.  

    She also caught the spinmeister in a lie that said Palin opposed the bridge to nowhere, when she actually supported it at first.

    What I came away with is this: You CAN'T TRUST REPUBLICANS!  They spin and spin and spin and ignore reality.

  8. Obama has been a Senator for one-eighth the amount of time that McCain has.

    Why do libs keep comparing Obama to Palin, when they are not running for the same freaking office???


  9. What I will say and have said several times is... Palin has more years of political experience than Obama and she is the only one of the four that has any executive experience.

    So , McCain has more experience than Obama and so does Palin.  

  10. I have been in retail for over 10 years.  Come over here so I can give you heart surgery.

  11. If you smell hypocrisy, it's probably coming from your upper lip.

  12. Senator Biden has been in government since Senator O was 11.  

    Has anyone been asking if Senator Biden has enough experience? If so, then perhaps you could cry hypocracy with validity.

  13. As a non neo-con, I agree that a Governor has experience that prepares one for the presidency better than any legislative position ever could, only a simp with very little political science savvy doesn't see why.

  14. Executive experience is different from legislative experience. Palin has more than both. But it's really not that big of a deal. Either candidate will have to grow into the role of President of the United States. McCain is closest to the role presently, and Obama grows faster. So it's ultimately an ideological decision. Free Market Capitalism, or a tax-and-spend economy.

  15. Because Palin isn't running for President, first of all.  She is running as VP.  Secondly, she was a mayor and a govenor, and both of these are jobs that require you to show up to work every day.  Obama showed up for 140 some odd days for the senate job he's held for the past three years to vote "present" and collect a paycheck without making any real decisions.  Before that, he had the same abysmal attendence record and lackluster performance in the illinois senate and before that he was a community organizer (whatever that means).

    So far, Palin has both executive experience, which none of the other candidates, VP or President have, and a history of fighting corruption, something that Obama has actually taken part in to get the nice house he's living in and the Illinois senate job he held prior to running for national office.

    Obama fails.  End of story.

  16. You smell that... yep, I smell it too. Ew! Hypocrisy!  

  17. Here's the thing, Governor is basically President of a state.  They have very similar, albeit on a smaller scale, responsibilties.   Senators do not.   Now whether being a Governor makes her more qualified than McCain, I'd say no.  He's been in politics for multiple decades.  I also don't agree that she has more experience than Biden.  But you could argue that she has comparable experience or even more experience than Obama who has only been in the Washington political scene for 143 days, and for most of that time he was campaigning for President.

  18. officially, a governor has experience in the executive branch of government (where you get to be 'the decider' and tell people to do things) while a senator is officially part of the legislative branch of government (where you have to politely suggest changes and cajole others into agreeing and voting for them)

    History has examples of successful and unsuccessful presidents (and vice presidents) from both branches.

    In my personal opinion, while you are electing a president with the best possible overall judgement built-in, what you really want is someone who will surround themselves with bright and honest people so they can make the best possible decision.  Sometimes they may want to make an autocratic decision, and sometimes they may take a poll of their advisers and go with the most agreement.  I don't trust a candidate who rigidly sticks to either path.  But what the president needs is demonstrated good judgement.  No candidate is going to know ahead of time all the issues which will occur during their time in office, so all we can do is pick someone we feel will make the best judgement call when the unknown comes up, and obey the will of the people when no creativity is required.

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