
Why do conservatives act like it is something "new", "liberal" or "crazy" to be Black in America?

by Guest57788  |  earlier

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Maybe if you watch Al Sharpton on Fox News all day, you might think that way -

But isn't the truth of the matter that Black people have always been a part of the fabric of our society?

I would say even as long as whites have, really...




  1. They live in the 1600's.

  2. Maybe they paraphrase Haley Joel Osment, "I see Black people."

  3. What the h**l are you talking about?

  4. I agree with you.  In fact, I have a black friend who is visiting and sitting right here next to me grinning as I type.  

    The Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons will have their picture in the dictionary, next to irrelevant.  

  5. What conservatives have this opinion?  Give me one for instance besides some kooks on YA.

    In truth the only new thing about the Democratic candidate this year is that he's black.  He's still spouting all the same worn out liberal policies.  He's still trying to tax the rich and spend more.  Otherwise it's Kerry, Gore, Dukakis, except Obama's resume is far thinner then those other gentlemen.

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