
Why do conservatives call liberals " rich elitists" when so many upper class people vote republican????

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Yes, there are plenty of rich liberals, Hollywood has a lot of those. But conservatives usually don't talk about how rich people tend to favor republicans in elections. In elections, it's the inner city poor that vote overwhelmingly democratic and the rich suburbs that vote republican. Conservatives make it look like all liberals are some wine-drinking, rich, elitists when I think most CEOs probably voted for Bush in 2004.




  1. I think it is the elitist part that is unique.  These "well educated" liberals really think they are smarter than everyone else and know what is best for them.  I don't see this as much with conservatives..

  2. Do a little research. Every study I've ever seen shows liberals are much wealthier than conservatives. Conservatives give more to charity also. Rather than believe me, or base your opinion on what you think, or been told, try to get the facts, or go back to dreamland and ignore them.

  3. I can only guess that they love irony. It's either that or they are delusional or intentionally misleading. Take your pick. Either way it doesn't really matter because their base eats up that garbage like popcorn. It's really quite silly when a bunch of millionaires all call each other elitists. I think that in future elections the first candidate to call someone an elitist should be eliminated.

  4. Their are many rich liberals that look down on other people as not being as intelligent as them. The act of looking down at someone else and thinking you are better then them is what makes you an elitist. Such as "They cling to their guns and religion and our bitter".  

  5. I've noticed, especially on YA that conservatives make stupid statements like "Democrats or liberals" are all pot smoking, unemployed, unwed mothers who take from the government while giving nothing back. I agree that the majority of the wealthy tend to vote for Republicans. Republicans do after all, tend to give more tax breaks and loop holes to the rich.

  6. This is why:

  7. They run their slogans by focus groups to see what will work.  It has no bearing on reality, it never has.  The focus groups show calling someone an "elitist" is the best way to instill hatred against them, so thats what they call people they want to defeat.  Issues have nothing at all to do with it.  If calling their opponents "martians" worked in the focus groups, thats what they'd say.  It would be nice if issues would get discussed but obviously the Republicans can't discuss issues because their real platform is Even More For The Rich, s***w The Middle Class.  

  8. I don't call them "rich elitists",  just "elitists".  

    From personal experience, way too often (and too quickly) I have been spoken down to; after uttering (or typing) as little as three words.  

    I've been accused of, let's see...being stupid.  Toothless.  Warmongering.  Unwilling and unable to change.  Liar.  Bible-thumper.  Greedy.  Did I mention stupid?  Culturally bankrupt.  White trash.  The list goes on and on.  Again this is right off the cuff.  Reflex.  Reactionary and without consideration.  

    I can say the same as some others here, in the reverse:  what do liberals think conservative are?  Can they make up their minds?  Are conservatives illiterate and toothless, or rich, greedy and heartless?  

    The name calling exists all around.  Let's face it.

  9. Because that is the worst they have to say, even though they know it's a crock.  

  10. look at the districts.most gop stongholds are middle class.donkie districts are upper class.FACT!!

  11. Somehow they are under the understanding that centralizing power in a group of wealthy military junkies is not an elite.

  12. To be an elitist, all you have to do is hit lotto.  Money talks and bull **** walks.

    Rep or Dem all you need is an infinate amount of MONEY!

    They toss this word over the political fence whenever it is convienent to one side or the other.  As some one said here, it has nothing to do with the issues

    it's just to provoke emotion.  To endear you to the caller, and cause discomfort

    about the target, and make you zero in on an impression, that has nothing to do with a person's fitness for office.

    The real elitists run this country and the government incognito, from some mysterious and lofty monetary throne, the whereabouts you and I will never know.  I don't believe they need any party affiliation that can be truely believed or depended on by either side.

    So if by some stroke of genius or luck

    you can amass a fortune and hob nob with the ultra-wealthy.  You may get a glimps of the truely elite, on the top step.  Even if you have outstanding personal abilities, that will still depend on your value to them?  If you are not elite enough, and rejected by the club, you will remain down here flondering in the darkness with the rest of us poor b******s, be you conservative or liberal.

    We may now surmise that George was in their employ!  What other reason could there be for the Bible-Boy to go so far astray?

  13. Because conservatives tend not to mind if you have more money than them--h**l, they don't mind if you straight up lie to them and exploit them-- as long as you are polite.

    The elitism is, as some here have already suggested, an elitism of intellect and education. As far as that goes, I would have to concur. I know that I am smarter than 88% of the population (I just got back my GRE scores and I scored in the 89th percentile).

  14. Liberals get the vote in exchange for social programs that the "suburbs" provide. That doesnt make them rich but it does say something about their character.

  15. There is nothing wrong with being rich, or elitist.  But don't be a hypocrite about it.

    When a limousine liberal says no to school choice (charter schools, vouchers, etc.) and insist the inner city poor go to lousy public schools ... and THEN send THEIR kids to private schools in the same city ... I think you get the picture.

    Al Gore has a HUGE carbon footprint, mansions to live in, and lives well.  There is nothing wrong with all of this.  But he goes around exhorting people to reduce their impact on the environment ... exactly 180 degrees from what he is doing.

    That is why conservatives tee off on rich liberal elitists.  Not because they are rich, liberal, or elitist, but because they think somehow people won't notice what hypocrites they are.  Ameicans are not grossly stupid.

    Michelle Obama makes over $300K per year, for a renowned medical center, and deserves every penny of it.  The medical center doesn't accept poor patients without insurance, it dumps them elsewhere in the city.  Again, that is how the medical center does business.

    But to push on universal health care when you know darn well it won't happen because of reasons you know as an insider in the system?  

  16. part of the propaganda machine that has increased about a thousand fold in the last ten years.

  17. Name calling is nothing new.  Accusing each other of being the "party of the rich" is an appeal to the electorate's populist sensibilities.

    The truth?  A disproportionate amount of upper class are Republicans, generally because they offer more beneficial tax positions and Conservatives by principal oppose redistribution of wealth.

  18. Because, unlike rich democrats, republicans do not look down their nose at everyone else and try to force them to adapt to a way of living that is stupid and wrong.  IE they don't act uppity like the dems do.

  19. I can't figure out if liberals are supposed to be elitists, hippies or folks who work at McDonald's.  According to conservatives on here, liberals are all three so I guess it's a pretty diverse crowd.  :)

    I know the CEOs of most pharma companies voted for Bush (and they sent out e-mails that subtly encouraged us employees to do so as well).

  20. It's all spin! The Republican candidates try to portray themselves as being "one of us" by accusing the Democratic candidates of being elitists. Not only that, but I think it's awfully funny how some Republicans like to complain about "liberal Hollywood" when there are LOTS of Republican actors, some of whom have been elected to public office!

  21. Lies are all they have now.

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