
Why do conservatives express so much concern for the unborn child?

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Yet they seem little concerned for those children who are already alive, living in poverty....... globally and in the US.

Too many kids living today, haven't enough food, or proper medical treatment.

Where is the conservative concern for those children?




  1. Cindy McCain champions many causes, especially in Bangladesh, India and Africa to give food and medical aid to these children.  The Obamas are too busy paying their mortgage,

  2. I dunno....but I bet if it was a black child they wouldn't give a f*ck

  3. So killing a child who has done nothing wrong in the world is acceptable?

    The parents are to blame for bringing a child in to the world they cannot support.

    How is that fair to the child?

    And what exactly have the liberals done to fight poverty besides give flowery speeches claiming how much they care?

    Let me point out the vast majority of of charitable groups working to help those in need are religious and/or conservative groups.

    While people like Bono and other celebs sit around throwing concerts for kids there are real people out there doing the work.

    Liberals LOVE to "Bring attention to the plight of the needy".  But what have you done to help?

    Like me I bet you have donated money to various charities, but what have YOU done?

    My guess is nothing else.

    It is easy to attack others for what you see as their short comings, just be ready to look in the mirror and take a hard look at your self some time.

    So back to the fist part of my statement...  How exactly is it fair and right to punish a child who's parents are unable to care for it?

    Edit:  Poverty only exists because of greed?  So your proposal to fix poverty is to eliminate greed...  How exactly do you do that?  Greed is part of the animal mentality.  a creature with more food, power and control survives.  So you want to change the base instinct of all animals?

    Kinda idiotic don't you think?

    So all the poverty though out history, and yes people were poor, far more poverty stricken than we are today, were all being oppressed by Conservatives?

    Please show me where it says the Romans were actually card carrying Republicans (and I mean the modern sense, not the clasical sense).  How about the Greeks?  Mayan?  Egyptian?  Vikings? Tokugawa shogunate? Scots?  Danes? Teutons? Persians? Polynesians? Sioux? Apache? Aztec?  Huns?  Tibetans?  Zulu?  or any of the thousands of other cultures that all were "Greedy"?

    You can paint the Republicans and conservatives in what ever negative light you like, but the fact is ALL cultures, people, societies and individuals are greedy in one way or another.  Only the ignorant and mentally bankrupt would make an accusation as you have without any proof to back it up at all.


  4. They say nothing about guns that kill children in the cities of America everyday. Or those who live in poverty, as you mention.  They love war that kills thousands upon thousands of young children and then they get up on platforms, and are soooo concerned about prolife.


  5. Actually we are the ones becoming foster parents and caring for your children when you give them away.

  6. They feel it is "God's will" for you to be born and then if you are poor then it is his will for you to be so.

    Recall Barbara Bush's statement about the Katrina victims; "many of them don't have much so living in a warehouse afterwards was working out "pretty well" for them"

    that's the attitude of the religious rich.

    Let God take care of them

    (How much do you think super rich Bush or McCain has personally  donated to the victims of the latest hurricane the gulf coast region or in Haiti where folks were stranded on roof tops?)

  7. Everyone deserves a chance at life, even inside the womb.  My question is why do Liberals express so much concern for convicted murderers and rapists.

  8. As Americans we are promised the right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  9. So practice some self control.  Murder is hardly a solution for being irresponsible.

    There are plenty of programs to provide medical care for those in poverty.  The sad part is that most of their parents are Democrats who are too stupid to enroll them.

  10. We are always concerned about the children here and abraud that are hungry. We have put in policys that help feed these children. Christians always help those who can not help them selves. We fight for the right to life for all children, there parents, and all familys. as well as the unborn. We fight for those who can not fight for them selves. The Liberlas are all about what can I get out of this.  

  11. Oh mean you don't know? There is so

    much help and tons of clothes, books, and money going overseas to the poor countries.

    Here in this country, churches and other

    organizations give unrelentlessly to those who

    have less. There is so much concern for all

    those children. We even have married couples

    adopting unfortunate children in China and Korea. Now, the unborn? We were all one of

    the unborn at one time. So, it's a matter of life

    and death. We on Answers were allowed to

    live, but it's sad so many mothers threw away

    their unwanted babies but wanted the s*x more.

    So, we conservatives do express our true

    concern for the unborn (which we once were)

    who deserve the same chance to live as we


  12. The big difference is that an unborn children can't speak for themselves.   I know this goes against most beliefs, but people did eat before Dollars and McDonalds were invented, they had to forage for food.   I would love to feed the world, but I am old enough to remember Mogadishu.  (where we went in to feed the starving and got the c**p shot out of us?)  Would you give your life to deliver food?  I mean that for real.  Join the peace corp if this issue matters to you, and stop being a hypocrite.

  13. Got to make up for all the ones they advocate killing in wars.\

    Pro-Life my ar se.

  14. Because these people aren't pro life but pro birth. It's about controlling people's sexuality and denying women equal rights. Once you're out of the womb you're on your own totally in line with the agenda of Social Darwinism the American right advocates. If your parents are poor or "not responsible", bad luck. I suppose they expect children to pull themselves up by the bootstraps too.

    In the United States, the wealthiest country in the world, 36 million Americans live in poverty - earning less than $20,650 for a family of four in 2007. Another one in six Americans struggle to make ends meet on incomes between 100% and 200% of poverty ( $20,650 to about $40,000 for a family of four). More than 12 million American children grow up in impoverished homes. When compared with 20 other wealthy nations on measures of health, safety and relative poverty, America's children fare amongst the worst.

    Social Darwinism's philosophical problems are rather daunting, and fatal to it as a basic theory (though some have applied similar ideas). First, it makes the faulty assumption that what is natural is equivalent to what is morally correct. In other words, it falls prey to the belief that just because something takes place in nature, it must be a moral paradigm for humans to follow.

    This problem in Social Darwinist thinking stems from the fact that the theory falls into the "naturalistic fallacy", which consists of trying to derive an ought statement from an is statement. For example, the fact that you stubbed your toe this morning does not logically imply that you ought to have stubbed your toe! The same argument applies to the Social Darwinists' attempt to extend natural processes into human social structures. This is a common problem in philosophy, and it is commonly stated that it is absolutely impossible to derive ought from is (though this is still sometimes disputed); at the very least, it is impossible to do it so simply and directly as the Social Darwinists did.

  15. If the conservatives really cared they would value all life. Embryonic stem cell research  is one of thier choices.  It kills the embryo which is life.  The are also for birth control which takes the  right from God and gives it  to the woman. All life is important from the first two cells that divide all life is from God and must be protected by law.  

  16. That is exactly it....they don't care....they care if they live, but then again in that same breath they choose not to help them by cutting social services(WIC "Women Infant & Children", Medicaid, Medicare, CHIPS "Children's Health Insurance Program", etc.). Conservatives are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

  17. I can't believe I'm actually sticking up for conservatives, but statistically speaking, they donate more of their incomes to charity than liberals, and Bush has proposed massive financial help to Africa.

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