
Why do conservatives like to make racist jokes?

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Today's southern conservative dominated GOP has little to nothing in common with the original northeastern yankee, "Radical Republican" Party of Lincoln.


"There is an old joke that goes," How do you starve a Minority person (Black/Mexican)"?? Hide his food stamps under his work boots."

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  1. That is an invalid question, you should have asked Why do some people tell racist jokes? That question implies all conservatives tell racist jokes? That is as invalid as the question Why do all black people hate America? This could be asked by someone who heard the Reverend Wright Sermons and heard the congregation cheering his anti American rhetoric Are you a conservative? You just told a racist joke. Some people are insensitive to groups of people they don't have much experience with. Some people also grew up with racist role models and then they become racist themselves.

    The current Democratic Party has little to with the old Democratic party that was in support of the second amendment and at the same time the Republicans were against it.  Times change.

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