
Why do conservatives use Rush Limbaugh as a champion of political arguments?

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When the name Rush Limbaugh makes 98% of people think insane blow hard

I am generally conservative, I am just talking about that one guy Rush, not criticizing the view point




  1. As a conservative I can honestly say ......... I have never listened to Rush Limbaugh & I wouldn't know him if I passed him on the street.

    His opinions seem to make him lot of money so someone must be watching or listening to him but it isn't me.

    So I really can't help you........sorry

  2. I used to listen to Rush every day.  Lately, however, he has fallen away from his Conservative musings, teachings and philosophies, and become more of a GOP talking-points type of guy.

    When Rush throws his partisan politics aside, and focuses on his basic Conservative teachings, he is quite effective and generally reliable.

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