
Why do conservatives who supposedly care about the 2nd Amendment always support big military/gov. programs...?

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...that end up making the government more powerful, corrupt, and with more advanced weapons that will overpower any citizen (and their personal weapons)? I don't see how they anyone would want to encourage new weapons programs and expanding nuclear energy (weapons) when all they do is test it on Americans first or abuse this power when confronting cititzens (e.g., Waco while Clinton was president).




  1. It is about maintaing & expanding the reach of the Military Industrial Complex™, the ultimate cash-cow for warmongering conservatives.  The 2nd Amendment issue makes for the perfect diversion to woo over a rural electorate that is generally ignorant and/or unconcerned about global issues.  The more people the neoconservatives get on board, the more of a "mandate" they would have for their plan of economic dominance via military strength.  

    This increase in weapons production and military spending is not about "defense," but rather to use for potential invasions of other nations to reap the benefits of their cherished natural resources.   On the "home front," the increased firepower for federal agences and law enforcement is part of the conservatives' plan to strip away citizens' rights and personal freedom through fear (under the false guise of "security").

  2. There are no more conservatives.  Just scared little boys, who wet the bed each night, after a full day of listening to FOX News.

    Bush is just a liberal who likes war, money, and power.

    No more Goldwaters, Buchanans, etc. in government.

  3. Cause the military corps give the politicos large money to keep em in business. Thats right. Boeing and the like pay big money in campaign funds to those in Washington to keep em in business and that also includes crazy *** wars like the one we got in Iraq right now.

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