
Why do consumers beat up on collection agencies so much?

by Guest67018  |  earlier

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Why do consumers beat up on collection agencies so much when it was the creditor who put the consumer in collections?




  1. Everyone that is in collection doesn't have bad character, that is not true.  Some consumers give collection agencies a bad name because they deserve it, sometimes they have bad tactics, bad way that they use to hurt the consumers, so this is the reason that they beat them up.

  2. Lemme guess....your a collection agent, right?

    Hmmmm...why do consumers hate you?

    "There is abundant evidence of the use of abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices by many debt collectors. Abusive debt collection practices contribute to the number of personal bankruptcies, to marital instability, to the loss of jobs, and to invasions of individual privacy. "

    .....Congressional investigation finding

    It's only fair....if you folks wish to use a wide paintbrush to smear consumers having financial problems, I think it's only fair to use the same brush to paint collectors as trash.

  3. Usually, when people have accounts in collections, they don't have great character. Obviously there are people that mistakenly got into some credit and debt problems, but the majority of people that have accounts that go into collections are repeat offenders.

    For those that don't have it happen to repeatedly, they may dislike the collection agencies because they seem to call during the time your spending with your family, and they seem to call daily hounding you and hounding you for their money. I also think that collection agencies tend to have no sympathy for those people that are paying multiple multiple bills and truly do not have the money at that point in time to pay their bills.

  4. Because some collection agencies will call anybody and everybody trying to find the deadbeat and accuse the rest of us as being the deadbeat, hiding the deadbeat, etc.  

    I had one guy call and (illegally) ask me to go dun my neighbor across the street.

    I've yet to encounter a company that will check it's past records and realize that if I wasn't their deadbeat the last 3 accounts that they've called me about, I'm not the right phone number for the next account for them either.

  5. Well lets see...

    - They break the law more than any other type of business out there.

    - They pray on unsuspecting consumers.

    - They inflate (usually illegally) the amount of the debt owed

    - They are rude, badger and threaten consumers.

    - Multiple companies have been fined and one (Camco) was even shut down for its repeated violations of the law.

    That's just the short list. Believe me when I saw that collection agencies and the individual agents are some of the worst things in the business world. Collection agents should be viewed as nothing more than an infection of society and handled with extreme prejudice.

  6. Well its there attitude for one.I feel and allways have if a collector calls and acts decent and trys to work things out with me im  much more likely to respond than one who is mr  or mrs tough person with a nasty attitude.And i think those who try to call on sundays are very very mean and dont care so dont answere  the phone till ya see who it  is.Collector called me the other day and she was so nice and easy to work with i got it all fixed right away and were ok now so it does pay to be decent and not call on sundays either.The ones that call on sundays i feel are not very solvent companies if they need the money so despartely

  7. because they are embarrased, or ashamed, at how they got in the position. They may feel overwhelmed if there are multiple companies wanting money and they can't pay them back.

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