
Why do cop commit crimes? ?

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I went on a double date with my wife and her friend and her date the cop and he is a LA county sheriff deputy. He confessed That he beat a 13yr old boy for dropping a stand on accident. He believes if you commit a crime or make a mistake cop should beat or even kill you. He also said he killed people on the job just because they deserved it. He also confessed to hacking my computer to see my wife's friend's my-space page. This guy was nuts completely. I rather be armed to the teeth than get help from these crazy out of control pigs. there is very few real cops out there that care and are out numbered by killer criminal cops.New laws are needed to control criminal cops also better supervision on there supervisors.




  1. cops are stupid and abuse their power. The civilian should make a revolution against the cops

  2. Because he is the PoPo, they are meant to do those things. The PoPo are notorious and corrupt, do not trust any of them. They are the officer of  daaa Law.

  3. You spoke to one outrageous cop, just one. Now you are branding all of them with the same brush.  I just do not agree.  All the cops I have met, talked with or been stopped by have been friendly and courteous.  I have never felt threatened by a cop or been abused by an officer.  The cops I count as friends would never do the things you are attributing to this cop.  If he said those things you should report him to the internal affairs department of his city.  These are the cops that investigate other cops, it is their job to control criminal cops.  I would never be a police officer, I could not handle the stress.

  4. because they think that they can get away with it

  5. he was either pulling your leg, lying to you outright, or you are totally full of ****. i am a peace officer, all of my friends are peace officers, and none of us could EVER condone such behavior. you post scandalous fantasy tales in order to accomplish hatred toward officers.  the percent of corrupt police is a small sad percentage that brings bad public relations on the rest of us.  do not post such trash again.  


  7. because they think that since they are the policeand they get the most rrespectthat they can get away with anything since someone would believe them over a "criminal"

  8. Cops are people. Unfortunately they don't all act civilized. Being a cop they figure they won't get caught and you won't turn them in.  Some people should never have a position of authority since the power goes to their head.

    If you believe what this guy said, turn him in. Of course I would do it anonymously.  If the guy is really that wacko, don't get on the wrong side of him. The supervisors can't do anything unless people start turning the guy in.

    I have hopes that this is being dealt with as I have seen a lot on TV lately where cops are getting caught on tape.

    Take Care

  9. I do not believe any part of your story. Instead of asking ah honest question, you posted an insulting rant.

  10. They have their reasons.

  11. This is a real shame.

    But the fact of the matter is, nobody is perfect, and we shouldn't expect cops to be perfect.  This does NOT excuse his behavior.  He should be fired.  My point is simply that if we hold expectations that people in certain positions should always adhere to the highest standards, we will be disappointed.

    We should HOPE for high standards, and act swiftly to remove those who fall short, punishing harshly those who abuse power.

  12. being a cop is very stressful. they need something to get the stress out. long hours, hard work, no time with friends.  

  13. Are you sure this guy is really a cop and not just lying?   He's pretty stupid to incriminate  himself like that in a casual conversation.   He sounds like a nutjob.   I thought they psychologically screened candidates before letting them join the force.   Most cops are decent people who want to serve and protect the public.   They certainly don't get paid much.   Everybody complains about cops but when there is danger and trouble who are the first people that get called?   The cops.

  14. power corrupts as absolute power corrupts absolutely.  That is a popular quote....I can't remember who it's by though.

  15. Most cops are total jerks.

  16. Being in an aspect of law enforcement myself, I believe that is a gross mis-characterization of law enforcement officials. You have had a bad experience with one you know personally, and you assume they are all awful. That's pathetic. You hear about the ones in the news that violate the law when they get caught and then you project that out to all of us. I'd challengee you to find actual statistics about the percent of cops that break the law compared to the general population. I'll bet it's not much different.

  17. Sounds like this guy is a weiner. I am sure some get a bit wacko after doing that kind of work. I have known a handful of police and some can let the stress roll off their backs and other just can't.  

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