
Why do cops let there jobs go to there heads?

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why do they become cocky and power hungry with really bad IM IN CHARGE AND YOUR NOT attitides>




  1. Because they have sh*tty jobs and have to deal with the scum of the earth everyday.  

  2. While I kind of agree with wendy865, I also think it comes down to professionalism.

    I think there are far too many people who become cops just so they can carry a gun, wear a badge, and kick some ***.

    They let the authority go to their heads, and many come to at least behave like they are above the law.

  3. if you had a gun and vehicle and could get away with anything wouldnt you

  4. Control freaks, much like rapists

  5. I used to think this was never the case, but in recent years I am seeing more and more of this.  A person in a position of power who can actually control the outcome of important situations tends to let this position go to their head.  Think of a person suddenly getting rich by winning the lottery...The money DOES change them...Usually for the worst.  

    It's a bad deal that's for sure.  And it is becoming more common.

  6. some have to, but mostly those are just the bad cops who are like that. i no very nice calm, not power hungry cops.

  7. Because of the times we live in. You have to suspicious of everyone now days.

    I think police officers get an unfair wrap these days. Sure there are some that

    Are morons. But you get that with every profession.

  8. Um pehaps because they ARE in charge.  All the (local) cops in my town are really good officers.  They know when BS is happening.  

    I've actually never run into an a*****e cop before

  9. Well, because they are in charge and you.....are....not.

    Sorry for feeding the troll.

  10. They  learn that at cop school.

  11. I agree with you to a point.  " there are some power hungry cops

    out there. but also there are some real a$$ holes to they have

    to deal with and put their lives on the line to make our

    lives safer.  

  12. 90% of a cops job involves dealing with a** holes and lunatics, so when they finally come across a sane person who is accidentally on the wrong side of the law, it's hard for them to turn of the machismo. Also, after dealing with scum bags for 12 hours a day or whatever, it is easy to start dehumanizing humanity. Basically, they've burned out. And then there are the real jerks who just got into the job to be in a power position. You have to watch out for those sociopaths.

  13. i think it might happen before they become a cop. i have a friend who is trying to get a job right now and he's ALWAYS been like that. how annoying...

    they have a holier than thou attitude and frankly it needs to be smacked out of them.

    they really shouldn't be so can get a job as a cop without even going to college. what kind of "important" job lets you work without a college degree???? someone needs to let them know they're basically the janitors of the city!

  14. Because their job is to intercede in situations and TAKE charge.  If you were doing such a good job of maintaining it, they wouldn't have to come in, in the first place.

    Same thing in civilians jobs; nobody wants to take responsibility and carry the ball, but are ready to whine and complain when somebody else does.

  15. because of the scum they are forced to deal with. Also it is their job to be incharge.

    I do not think this gives them the right to do as they please. but it is required they have the aditude wile on the job.

  16. Because we risk life or death everyday and because we always have to be professional.  

  17. Some are OK but others are power crazy!

    You find that the power crazy one have to answer to the wife when they get home!  

  18. Umm, is there a real question under all that hyperbole?  Last I checked, cops weren't power hungry enough to stage a coup.

    They are the boss because the state requires them to be - they are law enforcement officers who are forced to intervene when they see a serious situation. Throw in horrible pay, life and death situations, varying degrees of public appreciation and some of these guys would qualify for statehood.

  19. why do you think they became cops in the first place?

  20. because they bullies, not all are like that though, i've met some nice cops before but, in that line of work you have to take it seriously as you have authority.  

  21. they are bullies

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