
Why do cops lie to get a good case against a suspect?

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A friend of mine got busted for something he didn't do.But the cops helped the accusers by coaching their lies.My friend spent 6 years in prison until evidence proved him innocent.Looking back at the police report we see the lies.I guess this happens allot.Why don't the cops and the lieing accusers get in trouble.




  1. A good cop doesn't have to lie.  This is not to say that all cops don't lie, only the good ones.  The bad ones lie.  Unfortunately you cannot tell a good cop from a bad cop by looking at them.  Just like you cannot tell a good person from a bad person by the way they look.

  2. Lying is another tool that the police can use to solve crimes.  Criminals lie all the time to the police, so why can't the police?  For that matter, many regular citizens lie as well to protect their criminal family/friends.

    The other day I told an out-of-compliance s*x offender that if he didn't turn himself in that I was going to release his information to the media (something that we have done before in the past).  He decided that he would rather be arrested now and not be publicized on the news (so it worked).

    While a police officer may lie during an investigation, they cannot falsify a police report, or lie under oath.  So I agree that falsifying their reports is wrong.

    It's funny, because I do "want" the truth from a suspect, but I'm realistic to know that I'm probably not going to get it freely.

  3. because they're crooks and pressure from the DA.

    Too bad they won't be held liable for the c**p they caused your friend.

  4. Not counting the crooked cops, which are not that many, the ones that cheat on their reports are too lazy to do their job correctly.

  5. It is a game to them. They do not care if you are guilty or not, the just want the case closed.

    Lies are their best weapon. I tried to help the police once by taking a polygraph test. They lied to me about the results and what they could do.

    Fortunately I was strong enough to stand up to them and called their bluff. They backed down and went after someone else.

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