
Why do cops lie ? who can we trust?

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why do cops lie under oath? how can they be so bad? who can we trust? what is the punishment for perjury?




  1. Cops lie because they are outlaws.Carrying a badge do not give you high morals.Most of them go to an ego trip.Once a cop loses his job they are wothless to society,they cannot seem to be able to do anything else.On the other hand Pastors lie,Doctors lie,Lawyers lie.....

  2. The end justifies the means?  Actually we live in America and every citizen is entitled to DUE process.  Not all Cops lie, some do.  Some cops steal and commit illegal offenses also.  Bill Clinton committed perjury and nothing happened to him.  So basically there is no one you can trust.  Trust in yourself and be suspicious of everyone, especially your government.

  3. If they're telling lies that end up increasing the punishment for criminals who have committed crimes against people or property, I say "hooray!"  The ends justifies the means when putting these scumbags away.  Our country's weak criminal justice system is a JOKE.

    Now if we can just find a way to get taxpayers off the hook for imprisoning these losers in jails at a cost of $60k a year.  I was thinking to just put them on a piece of enclosed land and let them try to shelter and feed themselves at the expense of their own hard work.  

  4. Because they are scum hired by the Govt. You can take a rat out of the sewer, but you can't take the sewer out the rat.

  5. 1 Because they can, like anyone else.

    #2 by being bad.

    #3 Ourselves and the government to take our mental well being into consideration by flashing mood compromising subliminal messages on our television screens enough to keep us from freaking the **** out.

    #4 Perjury is punishable under law, I have no idea to what extent.

    :) peace - love- and cheese fries!

  6. Cops lie because they want their bonuses.  They are dirty people.

  7. Because they are human like you and I, You would do anything or say anything to save your ***. That is what makes us different from animals, was when we first learn to lie to each other.  

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