
Why do cops/people that are to help do NOTHING!?

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It makes me so angry! My bf got EVERYTHING stolen that was important to him at his house, we asked this police officer where can we report missing items. All he did was ask questions that had NOTHING to do with it like "Is your name on the lease?" "Who do you live with?" "Why isn't your name on the leas?" The cop was annoying and all he did was treat us like criminals liek WE did something wrong!

Yesterday someone got hit by a car!! There was a ambulance a couple blocks away. We waved to get their attention, they slowed down and put their hand out with a face liek "wtf you talking to me for?" and drove off! It's not like we were tryin to say HI jeez.

Someone claimed we had drugs in our house, the police busted through our door, messed up the WHOLE house and just left.

one time they found our missing items that were stolen that SAME day (years ago) and they didnt return it to us.




  1. police are selffish dickheads.  


  2. It takes one to know one, Doc.

  3. I know sometimes it can be frustrating dealing with police departments. Their mannerisms while trying to be proffesional can come of as being brusque and cold (believe me, this comes home with him. lol) but it's how they are trained.

    When it comes to the stuff being stolen from the house. I know it doesn't seem like it, but all of those questions ARE important and relevant to stuff being stolen. They want to know the kind of access people have, who actually owns the apartment (someone else on the lease might have access, etc.) When it comes to stuff being stolen, it's very rare that they are going to be able to aprehend the person or even get your stuff's typically why insurance can be so helpful....I am actually suprised and pleased that the officers took the time they did to ask you questions about it. Many times that might not have occurred.

    When it comes to the ambulene thing...things of that nature are called in and dispatched over the radio and officers out on patrol will respond accordingly. There are a lot of things going on at any given moment and prb someone else was already either on their way or just arriving to the ambulence scene...and the people you were trying to flag down could have been responding to something even more important (say a scene that did not have an ambulence yet)

    Drugs in your house...they can't just bust in, unless they have a warrent...if they had a warrent than there was a reasonable suggestion there were drugs in the this case there isn't much you can do except be mad that someone filed a false report about you. The police were acting as trained, they are not trained to lightly remove and put back your stuff (and prehaps dust while they are there)

    Things cannot be returned like you think. If you have filed a lost property report you actually have to go into the station and pick up any items they have found from property. Can you imagine if the police made house calls everyday returning people's items? It's not their job, but they don't do anything with your things except label it and file it away until you pick it up.

    I hope you can have a better attitude when my husband comes back to your proverbial does make it so much better to get along with him when people throughout his day has remembered that he is a human being and has treated him respectfully and with understanding.

  4. Stop whining.

    EDIT: You get what you give, bit#h. Grow up.

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