
Why do crabs pinch??

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Why do crabs pinch??




  1. Because they are defending themselves from potential threats.

  2. cause they are crazy!

  3. For deffence

  4. defense and they tear apart the food they eat so it can fit in their tiny mouth.

    most wild animals will try to defend themselves if you get to near

  5. Crabs have claws and pinch for defense.  These claws were designed by evolution to help them protect themselves against predators and other animals that would harm them.  

    The claws of some crabs, like the male Fiddler Crab, can also be used in courtship to attract a female.

    The primary predator of crabs in the sea is the Octopus.  Octopus do not care about the crabs claws, and will grab them and tear them apart and eat them with their sharp, powerful beaks.
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