
Why do criminals, or those in jail, more hardened folk, have such a noticeably negative/scary aura/vibe?

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Even from being in court and watching the guys come out from jail for their 5th 6th trials, convictions, whatever, they look noticeably ALOT scarier, worse, and just dangerous/negative than the average person there for a traffic ticket or some complaint?

Is there a correlation between being a negative bad person, and the energies you emit to others?

I literally felt like Freddy Krueger and his children have entered the courtroom.

These people were just BAD. They looked bad, they emitted negative vibes, and I'm sure pretty much scared everyone else too!

The way they acted too.

These people were just horrible. Then aside from that, watching other more popular and notorious killers too such as Charles Manson, even Yolanda, who killed Selena, the singer, they all have a certain evil and manipulative look/vibe to them.

Why is this? Is it genetics? Is that just from a lifetime of sin and bad thinking that they ended up like that?

Can most people pick up on those bad vibes, or not really?

I pick up on it and it scares me!




  1. Like our John McCain in the Vietnamese prison? Sure, it put a lot of mental stress on him, made him quicker to anger and apathetic to others suffering. Americans should quit WHINING, they are not John McCain.

  2. actually you'd be surprised how many hannah montana types are in jail. be careful with that attitude, you cant tell by that hardened look who is "bad" or not. but i agree alot of criminals have that look, i think it might be the ones who have drug problems. the drugs give them that look. plus if doing alot of time, health care isnt wonderful, or beuty regiments arent there. that might have something to do with it.

    i think law enforcement seems controlling because think about it..these people are given so much power and control over the lives of others. able to take and give freedom, deciding guilt, or punishment. eventualy that power can go to thier heads they feel above the rest of us, and in some cases corrupts them. a corrupt police/judge.da ect can be more dangerous than the criminals the prosecute

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