
Why do cures cost so much money when they are found through charity? ?

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Can someone can help me understand this?

The American public donates soo much money to finding cures. Cures for cancer, aids, paralysis, MS, ect…

Now I know there isn’t exactly a cure for say, but there are a lot of drugs and treatments that help. My question is why is it these treatments cause more than the $4 generic prescriptions when they are found using charitable money?




  1. That $5 here and $5 there that the public 'donates' to charitable causes is hardly a drop in the bucket of what is needed. The public is sadly misinformed about how much money it takes to research possible treatments that might result in 'cures'. The vast amount of research funding does not come from charitable donations . . it comes from the US taxpayer.  In general the charities fund health 'education' about the disease or supply some 'grants' for something specific . . they cannot possibly supply all the funding for the over 200 different types of cancers, diabetes, MS,  or even the common cold.

    Too . . remember that charitable donations are not constant . . thus some years are better than others . . research needs a constant supply of funding . . which comes from the government or unfortunately, from private investors willing to invest in medical stock from pharmaceutical companies (this is what drives the conspiracy theories).

    Cancer Research Funding

    You conclusion that treatments are found using charitable money . . is faulty.  Few treatments that are being used were the result of charity. The money from charity makes up only a tiny portion of the funds that are needed on a yearly basis. The charity funds were meant to be used as 'supplemental money' for other projects . . . such as education about the diseases.

    I can see how people might believe that it is charity that is driving research . . but . . unless you are giving a substancial amount of money . . it is not enough for research, to prove efficiacy, safety, manufacture, and provide human clinical trials.

  2. Gimmicks... that's all.

    Besides the physical inflictions, all of the other things that you've mentioned are non-existent.

    Aids for one was the biggest Hoax played on the world, and 90% of cancers out there are curable through dietary changes.

    It's a ploy known as the Hegelian dialectic.

    I come to you and tell you that here is a problem, you buy it, then you ask me for help with the problem that I brought to you. This was - I can control the end result.

    This world is not as you may think it is.  

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