
Why do current girlfriends hate ex wives, even when ex-wife has moved on?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried and tried to be nice to not get in the way and to not cause problems. But this woman will not stop. she is always saying or doing something so he can't see his kids. and now she is pissed because i don't want her to be friends with my boyfriend. someone please help before I just decide to move out of state and not let this affect my children anymore.




  1. i don't hate my hubby's ex wife. i don't even know how she looks. she doesn't exist for me. seeing kids is another matter - she is jealous of his time with your kids. but it doesn't mean she hates u

  2. You don't have to get along with her really until she gets up graded to the new wife. Next, if your ex has any sense in his head, No one would be able to stop him from seeing his children. If this chick has issues, there's nothing you can do about it other than suggest a good therapist. She could be "stuck on stupid" for ever.

  3. First of all...if he ignores his kids that is his fault, the kids should come first not matter what. She's just got to deal with that.

    The new girlfriend hates feeling like they are second to the ex-wife. Even once everyone has moved on. Her name still comes up in everyday conversation and that is sometimes really hard to deal with. Especially if she has never been in a relationship with a divorced man before.

    No matter what happens between her and her boyfriend, the ex-wife and the kids will always be a part of his family. And a part of his life that does not and will not ever include her.

  4. It's just a woman thing  :)

  5. Are you the ex-wife or the new girlfriend?

  6. Maybe you are putting the blame on the wrong person.  HE is the father of the children, if your ex husband is letting his new girlfriend keep him from seeing his children then that is HIS fault not hers.  He is the one with a relationship and responsibility to your children not her.  You need to tell him to either grow up and except his responsibility or to stay away until he can.  I don't blame you for not wanting her to be friends with you new boyfriend, but you need to talk to your ex husband and focus your flustrations on him not her.  

  7. Because they want the husband or ex to be miserable. Me I would be single and living it up and my ex would still hate me lol!

  8. Because you have something she does not: his kids, a history, leverage.  And she is compelled to sabotage....Kids have enough trouble navigating life, then you add all this drama???  They do not need to know boyfriends, girlfriends, NADA.  You and your ex could try court appointed co-parent counseling.  They will guide you toward a new dynamic that is business and about the kids.  Then he will be accountable for whatever his girlfriends tries to pull.  She is envious and threatened and immature, don't buy into it and let her know she is getting to you, no reaction.  Otherwise, she will win.

  9. The current gf is afraid of you.  That is why she is trying her level best to influence your ex-hubby.

    You did the right thing by moving out of the way.

    If you ever meet her, tell her what you think of her.  tell her that her actions has not achieved its target.  You are not worried about her etc.

    Be gentle, and at the same time be firm.

    You got the point what I am trying to say.

    good luck and god bless

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