
Why do cyclists not use cycle lanes?

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In the town where I live there are plenty of cycle lanes. But most of the time they still cycle on the road causing danger to themselves,others and motorists having to select a lower gear to overtake thus raising pollution!




  1. They also do not stop at stopsigns either.

  2. they are a law unto themselves

  3. Check your local laws, most cities/states give cyclists the same rights to the road as automobiles.

    Wonder if you were that slow driver I passed on my bicycle the other day? I was going were going 25. speed limit was 30.

  4. Several reasons:

    Cycle lanes sometimes go the long way round the back streets and don't go where you want to go

    We have a lane in N Kent that is planted with street furniture

    If they are along the kerb of the road they collect all the junk that gets dropped

    A 2 foot wide lane protected by a white line just isn't good enough, they should spend a bit more and give us 4 feet and a proper (ARMCO) barrier

  5. Because they are "human" and thus "arrogant to boot".      They feel they have the "right of way" so they take it.   They have the law on their side so they abuse this right when ever they can.  Not all but enough to give the good courteous bike riders a bad name.  Honking at them, waving at them, etc. just encourages them so learn to live with it.  

    The same people are the ones that rush ahead to pull in traffic when lanes are being narrowed down one or more.

    They feel they're "special".   And they will probably get their own just reward in the future.

    Karma..............   It's always there and it always balances out in life.  Unfortunately we aren't always there to witness it when they get there come uppance.

    Chill....  Deep breath and make a note to avoid being a jerk in your own life.




  6. I agree with Roy G.

    Here in NY Metropolitan Area, they do not follow their law. Even they always bike down on wrong way of street. Even they ride on pedestrian pathway in parks, etc.

  7. why do car drives & HGV drivers use pavements !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why do i always almost get killed everytime i try 2 cross the road on a pelican crossing?

    "because: THE WORLD IS TO BUSY TO STOP TODAY, & WOULD MUCH RATHER RUN OVER A PEDESTRIAN, in citys today to busy to give the time of day."

    As 4 cyclests i have more sympathy 4 them than i do cars  today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  8. coz they r d**k heads

  9. because there is not a lot of cycle lane through out Britain at the present but if the government did more for cyclist then the environment would be a lot better for people and animals alike  

  10. Firstly. the assumption that all cyclist are the same is incorrect.

    The cycling comunity has it's share of rulebrakers, just as there is a sub-group of motorists who appear to a bit vague about the road laws themselves.

    Here's a quick lesson in bike-lanes.

    There are often an obvious lack of them, so the road is often the only option. Or they aren't going in the direction you are cycling.

    And the local road planners don't always think things through that well. They are often placed right next to parralel parking spots, with the danger of having a car-door opening causing an accident.

    And they can at times end abruptly, leaving you in an unsafe situation.

    Off-road bike paths can be  dangerous as well - espicially when used at night-time - either they are too isolated or they have inadequate lighting.

    Broken glass can also have an odd habit of finding it's way into the lanes/paths - and bike tubes can cost about $10(aussie) to replace & patching a tube is a hassle.

    My best piece of advice  to  non-cycling motorists -  try riding a bike around the city for a week, and see what it is really like out there.

  11. Uh anti cyclists. Most cycle lanes come to an abrupt end in the middle of roads if you had bothered to notice. And your argument about having to select a lower gear is really quite laughable.

  12. Because their heads are so far up their own arses been so sodding bloody well ' right on ' that they can not see them!

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