
Why do daughters of emotionally absent fathers tend to sleep around?

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Why do daughters of emotionally absent fathers tend to sleep around?




  1. Any evidence? Data? Research results?

  2. I had an emotionally absent father and I don't sleep around, I'm waiting till I'm in a relationship. Although yes there are a million girls like that, I think the reason as the people above me have said that girls think that if they sleep with a guy they will get the male love and attention that they seem to have an insatiable craving for.

  3. Because they feel as though that is the only way to attract male attention and they think that if a man is sleeping with them then that man must LOVE them.. so it is a constant cycle.. of trying to get love in all the wrong places...

  4. They're getting male attention the only way they know how.

  5. Mmm, guess what? We live in an age where women have choices just like men. Isn't amazing that women 'sleep around' and are promiscuous when men just go hunting for women who'll put out...double standards or what?

  6. because the crave the love of a male. they´re looking for unconditional love, it never really works that way in a relationship so they keep on searching.  

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