
Why do daycare providers get low pay and still buy stuff for their classrooms?

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Why do daycare providers get low pay and still buy stuff for their classrooms?




  1. daycare workers are very low payed, but it comes with the job and anyone working in that field knows it.  Ive worked in 2 daycares, the first one, the owner bought us everything we needed and more.  She made sure we had lots of stuff to do activities with the kids.  She provided alot of  stuff for us for atcivities, parties, and to make holiday gifts.

      At the daycare that i am currently at, i make less than i did at the 1st job and I am required to buy anything i want and need for my classroom for activities.    

      So it depends on who you work for.  Its better to work for a bigger day care, they usually provide more.  It also depends on the owner and how much she wants to do for the center.

  2. While I can't answer as to why Childcare (we take care of children not days) workers get such low pay, the answer to 'Why buy your own stuff?' is simple.......

      More often than not the Owner of the facility is more interested in the almighty dollar (I'm generalizing so noone get your knickers in a bind)....more kids equals more money.

    But those kids have to have something to do right?????? and most owners (again generalize) don't want to spend the extra dough on supplies and equipment, so they buy as little as possible and tell you to s---t----r---e---t---c----h it.

    Mommy and Daddy are expecting to see the wonderful things that Johnny and Mary make on a reqular basis and want to hear how much FUN they've had and what they LEARNED. So to keep eveyone happy, keep the kids busy and save your sanity, you accept what your boss gives you and go buy , beg or borrow the rest.

    You see a Teacher who is really good at what he/she does know how to use/turn  EVERYDAY items into teaching materials, where to get materials/items for very little money and when to grab bargins/yard sales/sellouts and when to use Mother Nature as her store.

    Imagination,compromise and determination are all part of being a TEACHER.

    How do I know all this, because I taught Preschool for 13 yrs, took the CDA classes back when you had to actually come up with ideas and MAKE the stuff to pass the class (nowadays they sit in class for 8 hrs and read a book) and took my cues from the best: Annie Sullivan Macy, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Mrs. Nancy Deas (my 4th grade teacher) and my Aunt (and former boss) Mrs, Barbara Sethman (who has taught herself for 30+ yrs).....I am now a Homeschool mom enjoying our 4th yr.

  3. LOVE OF CHILDREN and desire to provide the best education possible, even if it means having to spend some of our own money.

  4. Because we care.  I teach two year olds and I love my kids.  The daycare I work at is a good one and we have most of the stuff we want, but sometimes I want something for my classroom.  So I buy it.

  5. Well, childcare workers are among the most underpaid employees in the nation. If you get your degree you can get paid more like $10-$14 if you work for the right company. As far as buying stuff for your classroom, for me, its just a habit. However, your director is supposed to buy that stuff. They can't required you to buy it. I turn in a supply list every month where I work and if I don't get the stuff, we just have to improvise. Or just play that day. I see stuff at the store and think oh! My kids would love those! So I grab a few, and tell m y self, I'm not buying anything else any more. Of course, I still do, but what can I say. I care about my class. :) I think its built into a childcare provider's hardware in their brain to care, so we have impulses to pick up the slack in the supply dept. when we see stuff at the store. I'm getting better though. Some times I end up putting it back because I tell my self, I'll put in on my supply list.

  6. Well, most of us buy stuff because we are dedicated. But if you are being required to buy classroom supplies, you are being stiffed and need to look for a new school. As to why we are low paid - because it's a pink collar job and too many people are ignorant as too how important the formative years are.

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