
Why do death row inmates get to have what they want for their final meal, but good people like us don't?

by  |  earlier

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Why can't I get a pizza with everything before I die?




  1. Actually, they don't get whatever they want. They're not going to get Alaskan salmon, cavier, and champagne. They can, however, get whatever the prison kitchen has on hand to make.

    And you can have a pizza with everything before you die. Have it tonight so that when you die 65 years from now, you will have had a pizza with everything on it before you died. :-)

  2. because they know when theyre gonna die, you can too. just continue to eat pizza with everything until you die and then it will be your last meal  

  3. I would rather die on an empty stomach without knowing it was coming than to be locked up like an animal, not see the light of day and pondering while eating my last meal exactly when my life is going to be over.  

  4. Because life is not fair dude.

    Get over it and go do something productive.

  5. Cause life ain't fair.  Why do people who have never worked get to get government assistance money while people who have worked hard all their lives but are suddenly going through a bad phase can't get squat to help them through?  Why do law abiding, tax paying citizens end up paying for cleaning up graffiti and damage done in public housing by the people who live there?  Why do the execs in my office get paid so much they can afford to buy new jags and benzes every year while my annual raise isn't even keeping up with the cost of living?

    Personally, I can buy my own pizza and prefer not to have to die just to get it.

  6. ooh, i dunno are you about die

    like you know you're going to die, it's expected.

    like seriously dude, get over it.

  7. They know when they are going to die. If you know then order yourself that pizza.

  8. you can, right now!! so take advantage of it.

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