
Why do democrats feel minorities can't get photo IDs?

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There is a lawsuit before the Supreme Court that alleges requiring a photo ID to vote harms minorities.

I always laugh when I read these articles saying that "democratic voters are uneducated and more likely to be unable to get a photo ID. Additionally, the requirement harms minorities, which also vote democratic."

I've seen minorities on airplanes, at the bank, and checking out videos at blockbuster. Should I ask them how they managed to overcome whatever it is that prevents minorities from getting a photo ID?

I really don't get how a person's race being in the majority or minority would prevent him from getting a photo ID. Is the assumption that minorities can't pass the drivers license exam or that they're all convicted criminals?

I'm really curious what the reasoning is behind that statement. Also, isn't that pretty racist?




  1. I'm unsure about this reasoning as well.  I belong to a minor party that took this stand to require voters to show ID as well, and we got slammed for it by the Dems.  It seems that here in NM there may be alot of native peoples who just don't get photo ID cards for any reason.  But we made provisions for lots of other types of identification, even down to utility bills (what if they don't have power or the state pays), to prescriptions (hipaa issues), library cards,  etc etc . . .. still a no go and an excuse to call someone a racist.

    Meanwhile, my non-citizen coworker from a large nation in Asia received a voter registration card in the mail totally unsolicited and could have voted fraudulently quite easily wtih it.  We don't know who signed her up, but she was freaked that she was listed as a Republican and shredded the thing!!

    How many others might have decided to cast a vote though and affected our election outcomes?

    Years ago nobody would have had the gall to do something like this but we are alive in an age of fraud and deceptive government-  we need all the tools to keep our elections clean that we can get.

  2. They want people that have not registered, are either illegal or just too lazy to get an ID to vote. It's called voter fraud in most countries. Here it's the Democratic way

  3. People who can afford to fly are not the issue. It's people who can't afford to fly that creates the disparity. More minorities are poor and do not drive. Driver's licences are the #1 form of government issued IDs.  If you don't drive a lot of states have non-drivers ids but you have to get to the driver bureau and I don't know if you've noticed but they don't tend to be in the most convenient places particularly if you don't drive.

    I've been involved in voter registration efforts and I know how difficult it is for lower income people. For one thing, if they don't own a house, they tend to move frequently between rentals. That leads to big registration issues. A lot of the voter registrations I've helped fill out were for people who had changed addresses - they need to have a new registration at their new address or they can't vote.

    Now if you couple that with having a second valid id card there arises another problem. You now have TWO things which have to be updated and in agreement with one another. I can see a lot of people going to vote and either their ID has their correct address but their registration is wrong or vice versa. These things have to be corrected will in advance of election day, too or else you can't vote. So if you move within a month of election day, you are often screwed, too.

    Yeah, maybe it's not asking alot, but having a voter ID card does add complications and a big risk of disenfranchisement and that risk is a lot greater for low income people who don't own a home.

    Also, ask yourself why Republicans are ALWAYS working at ways to get fewer people to vote while Democrats are always working at ways to get MORE people to vote.

  4. Because some people have to choose between buying a loaf of bread and paying for an ID. What do you think these people would pick??? That is what its about.

  5. If it were not for the "Helpless" and discriminated against underclass the DNC proposes so bad, they would have no support.

    They claim to want to elevate people while belittling them and keeping them in their pigeonhole.

    Don't beware "The Man keeping a Brother down".

    Instead, beware "The Nanny Democrat keeping the baby in the crib".

    To me, that is by far more condescending, racist, insulting and belittling of people than anything the "Country Club White Man" has done, as bad as THAT was.

    "You have to be taken care of all your life because The Man is evil and will hold you to evil standards. You don't want standards, do you? You just want to lie there and let us do all the worrying and make all the decisions for you, don't you? Want some more welfare? You can't do better on your own, you know."

    A lot of the friends I have who are minorities bristle at this attitude, but they think I take it worse than they do . . .

    The collective action of treating an entire culture of people like children who will never amount to anything without outside control and supervision should be considered a crime against humanity.

    Yet I will be accused of "Being Racist" for writing this.

  6. Dem.  Elites  are racist bigots.   I work with the silly bazztards every day and they love to puff themselves up by looking down on people.  Southerners are dumb, religious people are morons,  who to them is not stupid except a East Coast Lib.

  7. It must be because the Democrats want all minorities judged the same

    as Poor , and too Stupid to get ID

    If they feel held down they will vote for the only party that wants complete control over thought and action of the Poor, Stupid Minorities as they are too stupid in the Democrats eyes to fend for their selves

  8. Lower income people have a hard time justifying spending $25 on a State ID.  They can't afford a car so they don't need a License. Many work 2 jobs and might get fired if they asked for time off to go get an ID.  The point is that you guys have got to learn how to see things form other perspectives other than your own.  I love the fact that I grew up in the hood, I have no idea what I would have done or how I could feel about myself without understanding both sides of society.

  9. I think the issue is more whether they do or don't, not whether they can or can't.  Like it or not, many minorities live in major cities.  In these major cities, public transportation is generally the best and most economical way to get around.  Therefore, there would be no reason for them to have a driver's license.  

    It also probably wouldn't be in these people's budgets to pay the $40 to get just gov't issue photo ID for no purpose aside from voting.  Maybe if they made the photo IDs free and made DMV office hours more accommodating, people with demanding work schedules and limited budgets would be more apt to do it.

    EDIT:  You've obviously never learned about de facto segregation.  No matter how "Advanced" this country has become, the majority of the minority population still makes less money and lives in urban/extremely rural areas.  These are the people who don't have the means to acquire a photo ID.

    Do your research before you argue against something you know nothing about.  The democratic party isn't being racist, they're trying to REMOVE BARRIERS and make it EASIER for everyone to vote!

  10. Can't speak for any other state in the union, but here in Michigan you can get a photo ID without having to take an eye exam or a driving test.  All you have to do is show up at the Secretary of State office, tell them you need a picture ID, show them a birth certificate and one other form of ID, and they'll even have someone help you fill out the paperwork if you don't speak English or can't write.  Then you pay your fee, get your picture taken, and -- PRESTO!!!  Picture ID.  How much easier can it get?

  11. The Democrats don't want photo ID, because it would cut down on voter fraud.  Right now under the current system one person may have several identities and they vote using all the different fake names.

  12. because democrats are almost all morons. morons are almost always wrong. therefore, democrats are almost always wrong.

  13. And yet, it's our dem brothers that tell anyone who will listen that they are the champions of the poor and the uneducated in this country.

    So, why are the Dem's telling them that they are too Stupid to be able to get an ID?

  14. Because they secretly consider their constituents to be dumb and incapable of adult actions.

  15. I agree that the assumption that minorities would have trouble getting photo id is racist.  I have no idea why anyone would think that, nor have I ever heard that anyone had trouble getting a photo id.

  16. it's Not racist if it's true

    so.. is it true ?

    I guess the Supreme Court is going to tell us.

  17. The biggest problem, of course is with voter fraud. In North Carolina, all you have to do is walk into a polling station and state your name. If they find the name on the registration roll, you can vote. It wouldn't be too hard for a person to go from polling place to polling place, giving the name of someone deceased or moved out of state. Any astute political organization can work up a list of these people. It might get sticky if you tried to vote more than once in one place, but otherwise, no problem.

    The main drawback to requiring positive I.D. is that most states charge a fee for this kind of thing. This amounts to a "poll tax" in the eyes of some, including many court decisions. This, according to some arguments, would exclude the "poor" from voting.

    Two possible solutions occur to me. One is the acceptance of a birth certificate as ID. Almost everyone has one of those. The second is for the states to stop charging fees for simple photo ID cards.

    The problem is that almost EVERYONE, both sides of the argument, is too stupid or lazy to fix the problem. Voter fraud has advantages for both major parties.

  18. because as usual Dems don't care about equality of the races....

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