
Why do democrats flag questions that they feel are not liberal?

by  |  earlier

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but they want everybody to "understand" and "accept" their questions?




  1. They are not understanding at all.  They always flag my questions, even though they are valid.  It's just their way.  They are sore losers and jealous that we have a "can't lose" ticket in November and they missed the boat by not picking Hillary.

  2. I don't think they are interested in a truthful, substantive discussion of the issues or candidate's plans and qualifications. They are behaving in a manner that is offensive and destructive to those who are non-partisans and want to make an informed decision that puts the country first.  

  3. Because your asking the Conservative Questions at the wrong time.  Try giving it an hour and trying again.  Y!A Politics shifts from Liberal to Conservative on an hourly basis.

  4. I have never flagged a question, or answer.

    And I'm one of the most Liberal members of Yahoo! Answers.

  5. I have no idea what you are talking about.  But, I was wondering why cons like to block people so that they only get responses they want to hear.

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