
Why do democrats go out of their way to protect the life of a convict but will not speak a word to save a baby

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Why do democrats go out of their way to protect the life of a convict but will not speak a word to save a baby




  1. I hate to be cynical about it, but

    Fetuses don't vote.

    Convicts, if released and/or exonerated can vote.

    Pretty sad huh?

  2. Because a convict once he's freed is likely to vote Democratic and babies don't vote.

  3. If the right-to-lifers would spend less time trying to legislate morality, and spend more time trying to help those who thought that abortion was their only option, then something might get done.

    The way I see it, they are trying to take the easy way out by making it an illegal activity, so they can just say they have done something and then turn a blind eye to what will continue to happen.  What they need to do is to reach out and actually help each individual who is in such a stressful situation.  For folks who are supposed to be so upstanding, they sure spend lots of time condemning people for doing things they don't agree with, even when they don't know the entire situation.

  4. why didn't Mr. Bush try to stop abortion when the Republican had control of the house ,senate

  5. Many social liberals (be careful not to mix up "liberal" and "democrat" as they are not synonymous) believe that an unborn child is not human, and therefore not granted Constitutional protection.  They are afraid that allowing the government unfettered freedom to regulate a woman's health decisions, or the life/liberty of a criminal, is a slippery slope to regulating everything else, and is therefore a huge threat to personal freedom.  I do not agree with this reasoning in regards to abortion - I don't think you can be against the death penalty and for abortion and be ideologically sound - but that's the general principle I've heard most often from my pro-choice friends.

    It's interesting to note that in a "pro-life versus pro-choice" debate, the two sides aren't really arguing.  The "pro-life" side is generally not interested in the government regulating a woman's life, and the "pro-choice" side is generally not interested in government-sanctioned killing.  

    I agree that a great deal more would be accomplished by creating a culture where pregnant single women could find help and support during AND after their pregnancy.  Part of this culture would involve eliminating the current double standard that exists when we view unwed mothers and unwed fathers, but a larger part would involve local support.

    Granted, making abortion illegal would not eliminate all abortions, but that is not an argument for making it legal, merely a principle that can be applied to any law.  Instead of slinging stones at one other, the two sides need to find feasible solutions for the social and financial support of a woman and her child.  Many many women have abortions because they're scared, because they'll be stigmatized for being pregnant, because they don't feel able to take care of a baby - if those reasons are no longer present, there will be no more need for abortion clinics, and no more need for the frightening hatred that springs up between opposing sides.

    Edit: I apologize, that was kind of like a graduate thesis on abortion, and probably wandered far outside the bounds of your question.  Can we stay away from hating and condescension, please?  No one was ever convinced by those emotions.

  6. because democrats know that they cant make the decision to save every baby.. have you heard of back alley abortion my friend? its the republican that will tell you they'll save every baby yet there are still abortion clinics operating in every state. whether a woman has an abortion or not is entirely up to that individual an no democrat or Republican will change her mind.

    it takes a democrat to not take that American born given right.. and a republican to hide behind that same American born given right that still happens with a republican president in office..

    it will happen regardless what any president says in office or running for office.. and i dont care how many thumbs downs i get.. every republican will hide behind God call themselves a conservative but it takes a Democrat to stand up for what he/she believes is fair to the American amendments. No matter how many claim to be Christians .. abortions will happen.. sadly.. it will not stop.. and sadly.. convicts still roam our streets because our justice systems are corrupted..

    To protect the life of a convict.. my friend.. are you not familiar with what republican Huckabee is guilty of? Do some research my friend..

  7. Protecting life only applies to the living, be they babies or convicts.

    A fetus cannot survive outside the womb, and therefore is not technically alive.

  8. I assume you're talking about pro choice, who says it's a baby, last time I checked you religious types weren't so hot on the old science issue - Creationism anyone?

  9. Here is the most rational argument I've heard on the abortion debate:

  10. Liberals will fight to the end save a baby..........

    If you are refering to abortion, that is a fetus not a baby

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