
Why do dems say Sarah Palin has no experience in foreign relations?

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-Iraq/Kuwait/Afganistan/Kosovo (her troops get sent there, she gets briefed constantly on their mission, well being, and what is going on in that country that could affect her Alaskan troops)

-Canada (gas pipeline; immigration/customs crack down at the border)

-Russia (few miles off AK’s coast)

-Mongolia (her troops train Mongolian troops EVERY YEAR)

-International Waters (Alaska has the biggest coast line and the best fishing waters on this side of the planet…foreign boats cruise around her waters all the time which can turn into an international situation if an emergency arises…she has to know what is going on not only in her state but around it)

-N. Korea (her Ground Missile Defense system that her troops run protect the West from N. Korean nuclear attack…she is briefed on this by generals and thus probably briefs the President as well)

***Anti-terrorism. She has to keep the oil pipeline safe from terrorism. When they found pics of the Valdez oil pipeline and the port in a cave in Afghanistan they sent us AK Army Guard troops to guard it, train on anti-terrorism measures, etc. She is our Commander and Chief and is ultimately responsible for anti-terrorism measures in AK.

And here are some photos of her visiting the troops in Kuwait.




  1. I couldnt care less who runs this country.

    As long I dont have to pay higher taxes, iam good.

  2. BECAUSE DEMS are scared she has more excutive experience than Obama

    WHAT EXCUTIVE COMAND has the loser Obama ever had ????

    he rembers his grandfather fought under patton during WW2 !! he thinks that qualfies him for C in C what a joke that waste of space is

  3. Yes, she must be a tough cookie but I don't see it. She seems more like the soccer mom I see on TV. I could just see her dealing with Puttin. I don't trust this woman.

  4. Sarah Palin has two more years experience than what's his name.

    Her experience is actual, real.  His is not.

    She takes a stand.

    He cannot clarify.

    Democrats have got to be careful with regard to experience complaints. They will find a way around it somehow.

    Excellent choice of running mate for McCain.

  5. Wether dems care to admit it or not OIL is a major issue this election....and incorperating someone who wants to fight corruption and knows a little something about the industry is a win win situation.

  6. Most dems listen to what other people tell them


  7. I like Sarah and hope she helps the McCain ticket. However, I doubt if she has ever gotten a detail briefing on the war, strategies, and the behind the scenes negotiations that have taken place. Don't get me wrong, she appears to have great potential but I'm nut sure she is ready now. Remember, the VP has to be ready and qualified to step in to the hot seat Now. To be fair I can't say much for Obama's qualifications either.

  8. Simple: they are simply denying her qualifications.  You know, say it enough times and it becomes true.  Like when the Obama supporters kept saying that Obama had more experience than Hillary.

  9. Because they're truly frightened of her.

    And you are corrected that as Governor of Alaska she had dealings with the Russians & Canadians on many topics. I hope that get gone into in detail on the news channels.

  10. I agree. She may not have the power to go into contract with any foreign powers, but she does have experience with them.

  11. A pretty good post, but considering that old man McCain has one foot int the grave and the other on a banana peal somehow I personally would like a bit more back up than the experience listed.  Beside, it's not just the 'experiance', it's what you take away from the experiance.  How did the experiance change you?  How does 'that' experience translate to a new situation?  Ferinstance!  Sec. of State Rice was an expert on the old Soviet Union.  None of that translated to expert advice.  In fact it was terrible advice that led to the current situation in Iraq.  The world is far more complex than any 'conservative' is willing to admit.  I know that the right wing talk show guys attempt to simplify situations and events by ignoring most of the moving parts that get in the way of their simple message....conservatives, good!  'Liberals' bad!   I can understand that.  The truely evil leaders of the neo-conman movement depend on emotionally charged followers.  Followers with a simple belief system and an easily identified inside enemy (the 'liberals'), and an outside enemy (the terrorists).  I'm sure she's a nice lady and I'm sure that the Jesus freaks will vote for her because she's against abortion and g**s, but don't believe that she's qualified to be the president of the United States in a rapidly changing world.  She isn't.

  12. OH, and lets not forget Mexico because Alaska has hundreds of illegal Mexicans show up every year to work in the salmon packing plants.

    State governors are not allowed into foreign relations negotiations by law.

    Sorry. Your argument is bogus.

  13. These are all good points.  

    Democrats also seem to forget that, were they to actually go into some regions of Alaska, they would feel like they were in a totally different country.  The native Alaskan culture is very mystical and the landscapes of the wild north are some of the most surreal on earth.

  14. If you were on an airline flight and the pilot died who would you want to take over flying the plane...the experienced co-pilot who was trained for the job or the flight attendant?  

  15. I just had got some international experience today as well: eating at a Pizza restaurant run by Italians, buying a Chinese made microwave oven and sending some collectors coins to Canada.

    God, give it up you guys, the woman is a rube

  16. They are scared to death that the NRA and the christians and some democrt women will vote for her and mcain plain and simple.

  17. Visiting troops is NOT foreign policy experience. She herself said she didn't really know what was going on there, didn't know if the surge was successful or not, and wasn't all that interested in the Iraq war.

  18. Because its called research,The dems don't use that option.

    They get their info from that reliable source.You know the one!

    It's that site that gives a 404 code.

  19. Gov. Sarah Palin. Has more working practical and hands on governing

    experience than Obama and Biden put together. You do not have

    executive management experience as a Senator. Obama has no

    hands on experience doing anything on a Management level accept

    for blowing the millions on his community organization scam he

    pulled off for Ayers. So its really a no brainer. Palin 1, Obama 0

    game set and match.

  20. I believe they were just remarking on the irony of John McCain basing his entire campaign on Obama supposed lack of experience, and then picking someone just as inexperienced, if not more so.

  21. "-Russia (few miles off AK’s coast)"

    Siberia is a few miles away from Alaska.

    Moscow, where all the action happens, is a continent away.

  22. Because she dosen't.

    There are many  question that need to be answer about the Mayor from Alaska Palin .We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  23. Well there is experience and then there is judgement.

    Biden and McCain have a lot of experience.

    McCain was for Desert Storm, Biden Against it.  McCain showed better judgement.

    McCain was for the surge.  Obama and Biden against it.   Osama and Biden were against and even now won't admit it worked.  How will these two parties ever work together when one REFUSES to acknowledge success?

    There is experience and there is judgement.  Rumsfield has alot of experience in Foreign when we call experience shouldn't we talk of judgement?!

    Palin has a ton of success against corruption, reckless spending, pork barreling bills, Stupid politicians!

  24. no offense but you seem to be an idiot. For N. Korea you are making an assumtion that isn't true "thus probably briefs the President as well" no she doesn't.

    although she was gov. of the sate at the time, she had other advisers assist her with the AK Army Guards.

    the Iraq situation, yeah she may be briefed but she apparently doesn't pay attention to it at all because she even said herself that she doesn't know nor have any interest with what is happening in Iraq. And Mongolia? her troops train not her.

    Obama has been to Kuwait too, yet that didn't stop Reps from saying he wasn't experienced.

    and for the dumbest argument of all- "russia is a few miles off of AK's coast" yeah, and i live a few miles away from canada and although i have never been there, i know about everything that's going on (sarcasm) what does russia being semi-close to AK have to do with her experience of dealing with russia? i read through her info., she has never actually interacted with russia.

    McCain is 70+ years old and has had 4 bouts with cancer, would you seriously say that Palin is ready to be commander in chief? seriously think about that answer. you know there was a time when i did support McCain, but i refuse to stand by and vote for stupidity.

  25. You are throwing a bunch of irrelevant facts together to reassure yourself and everyone else that Palin has some kind of foreign policy experience. Securing an oil pipeline does not equal foreign policy experience, and the national guard issue could be said of any governor of any state; because she was aware of what was happening with "her troops" does not mean she had any control or direction of their activities.

    The fact is, two years ago, she was mayor of a town of 9000 people. The only thing she did for that community was help bring in big box stores, and thus "expand the economy". And sure, she is plenty popular as Alaska's governor, but she's only been in office for a year and a half; remember how popular Bush was after a year and a half in office?

  26. She received her first passport LAST YEAR. That Alaskan soldiers get sent to the Balkans doesn't mean she has any idea about the history and peoples of the place.

    You might as well argue that because Bush has received foreign policy briefings for the last 8 years, he's a global politics genius. Which is... not true.

  27. Although I can't really see any question here, I can't resist pointing out that Alaska, as beautiful and rich in natural resources as a person could want, has a total population that would easily fit into one New York City neighborhood!

  28. Mccain is worried. There has been a real increase in democrats voter registration and less excitement on the republican side. Many republicans are supporting Obama and the womens vote is a crucial voting block. Mccain is trying to capatilize on the upset Hillary Clinton supporters and at best he is pandering. This is really bad move on his part. Sarah Palin is a staunch consevative and is against abortion rights even if a woman is a victim of incest or rape, she is anti g*y rights, and all for the nra. She has close ties to big oil

    When you look at Sarah Palin she has a year and a half experience as being governor of alaska's polulation of roughly 697,000 and was a mayor of a town of about 5000.

    Joe Biden is a 35 year experienced senator who is on the foreign relations board and has traveled abroad and is well recieved among other world letters. He is also on the Senate Judiciary committe. He has been many bill which include The Violence Against Womens Act and The Crime Bill that put 100,000 cops on the street and led to a nation crime reduction.

    I think this lessens the question of experience because there is no comparison between Biden an Palin. If something happens to Mccain and he happens to win Sarah become preisent and  would not be ready to lead. I think this displays poor judgent on Mccain's part and shows that he is really wreckless in his decision process. He is willing to compromise America's best interests just so he can appeal to some disenchanted voters. I also feel this shows that really he does not understand the Hillary supporters the voted for her because of her positions and her experience. Sarah on the other hand does represent Hillary's policy postions and has never fought for Hillary number once cause "universal healthcare. Appeasement of this type has been seen by many women simply as insulting. Lastly, when you consider the conservative base there is a big question as to if they will support this ticket. The dynamics of this race has beeen changed in a major way and is a big gamble and plays to Obama's favor.

  29. Ms. Palin is unqualified-period-to be POTUS. Republicans are spinning like dervishes trying to come up with even one area of expertise on her resume. The above mentioned "foreign policy" credentials are laughable!  (HER troops train Mongolians? LOL)

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