
Why do denialists display so much anger and rage about global warming?

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Why do denialists display so much anger and rage about global warming?




  1. Anger and contempt tend to be answered with the same. It is a self perpetuating problem.

  2. The ones who do generally think it's a "liberal conspiracy" to take away their freedom.  They should maybe listen to these guys:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

  3. You need to go watch your hero Glen Beck

  4. Because don't appreciate being lied to, and I hate slavery.

  5. Because they're afraid that global warming mitigation is going to result in some sort of carbon tax, and many conservatives think 'tax' is a four letter word.  So then they start saying things like 'how dare you tax me?!'.

  6. Well show me an example of a public figure showing rage against global warming. I do not like it because it encourages unneccessary spending and taxes. It is sort of like the Republican's version of the Democrats attacking Iraq. They think there is no point and it is a waste of money.

  7. I have not made heads or tails on the GW issue but the burden of proof is on those who try to prove something. you can't prove that something doesn't exist. So it is on those who support GW to prove it. I would guess those who are against it passionately get angry because there is very little proven (non-theoretical) evidence provided.

    Note: there can't be much evidence you need to investigate and issue to find evidence it is too new an issue but regardless those that try to prove something are the one who need the proof.

  8. Again?  Didn't you just ask this question yesterday?  Well, in addition to what I said yesterday, this article is a big reason why we are skeptical about global warming.

    If it's not important to the man who gets the most recognition for trying to stop it, then why should it be important to us?

  9. I wouldn’t say that people get angry about global warming itself; any anger is aimed at the people using limited evidence for it. I do not call myself an environmentalist for this reason. Instead, I call myself an environmental steward. Many environmentalists refuse to hear ALL the available conclusions about the environment and are instead driven by political agendas. So while I always do my part to protect the environment, I refuse to bow to the orders of the environmentalist movement. My anger is not directed at any objective science about global warming; it is directed at those who hold hypocritical Al Gore as their hero while telling me I can’t barbeque.

  10. my guess is that they are in some way connected to or employed by the fossil fuel industry.

  11. Because Pinheads like you are putting people into panic and causing stocks to plummet! While those on the profit band wagon get rich from our loses.

  12. I assume that by "denialists" you mean anybody that disagrees with you.  I see "anger and rage" from both sides.  This usually occurs because neither side wants to admit that there is validity in the arguments of the other and comes from frustration.  Having a strong belief and putting it forth for review should never result in an attack ad homenum (probably misspelled).  Unfortunately, it does.  One of the things that adds to the emotion is the assignment of negative names to those that are on the other side, what ever that is.  "Denialists" is a good example of that.  If you want to dispute an argument, don't call names.

  13. Why can't everybody just be friends???  (lol)

  14. It's not anger. It frustration. To watch ignorant people spout half truths and out right lies to prove a flawed theory..... well it just make us feel sick that we belong to a race of idiot sheep.

  15. Because the commie pinko hippy enviro-wackos told them they were wrong.  Maybe we should have read Andrew Carnegie.

  16. Those who don't follow in lock-step with the AGW hoax are sometimes called skeptics or deniers.  Oddly enough, the real deniers of science are the believers in this man-made global warming scam, and it's good to be skeptical of things that are forced on people without having any scientific proof of their validity.

    I don't recall any anger with those who are skeptical, but maybe they are concerned that many very ignorant people are duped into believing this hoax.

    I guess it can be frustrating to see people conned and I think they're a little upset that charlatans take advantage of others who don't understand science very well.

    And I can understand why it would make a person angry to see so many taken in by con artists, but I doubt there's any rage involved.

  17. "Why do denialists display so much anger and rage about global warming?"

    I don't remember ever "displaying so much anger and rage about global warming". Then again, I am not a denialist (not a proponent either).

    You, on the other hand, seem to be pretty angry on some of these questions.

  18. It interferes with their agenda. usually they are in a business that profits from some thing that contributes to Global warming. If they admit there is a problem, they would have to admit they are contributing to a huge problem for future generations. Indeed, they could be responsible for criminal acts by future standards.

    Who wants to feel like a bad person? So, they refuse to admit they are causing any problem at all and proceed as usual.

  19. You'd be angry to if nobody would lay you (which could explain my occasional fits!)

  20. No one likes to be lied to...well, maybe Liberals.  What is being portrayed as facts are nice little snippets that aren't backed by valid data.

    The URL below is presented in a valid scientific format...and as such is very dry reading.

    Lies are typically packaged as entertaining...much like 'An Inconvenient Truth' and relies on a lot of CGI targetted at highly populated areas.

    I'm still trying to figure out the Sea Level Rise thing.  The Pseudo-Documentaries that I've seen speaking about Glacier Melt talk about the North American Ice Sheet being at least 25feet of rise and the Greenland Ice Sheet being at least 20feet of rise...both seeing 20% melting since the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

    Simple math will tell you that you should be seeing 9feet of Sea Level Rise since Captain Cook first charted the Pacific...and that's before Thermal Expansion.

    Is there any Pro-AGW person out there that can guarantee 9feet of Sea Level Rise since the Industrial Revolution?  There are many Pacific Atolls that have maximum elevation of less than 3meters which are still above Sea Level.

    Why is it that talk about Global Warming / Greenhouse Gases, rarely if at all, mention Water Vapor...the most abundant and powerful of those Gases?  See URL#2.

    And when Water Vapor is mentioned, there's notcomparisons as to percentages represented in the atmosphere?

    Why is it that the Computer Models cited as evidence have not been able to incorporate known weather/climate events in the past and accurately predict the next decades events within one Model?

    The lies go on and on.

  21. Well when you see a bunch of sheep all running in one direction towards a cliff, you cant help but be emotinal about the ignorance displayed not to metion the big waste of food. . Yelling and getting angry might get their attention, but then again they are just bahhhhhhhh?

  22. It's not anger and rage......

    It's astonishment and disbelief.

    Brooks and Dunn

  23. cause they're in denial and they think it's crazy for something to be taking the world by storm like that. It is extreme, too - if you're a denialist then imagine having everyone suddenly follow a belief that most of them barely understand.

  24. Your premise is faulty-- anger-rage--  where? How?

  25. No it is not anger on our part any more than it anger that causes a parent to shout at a child about to grab a hot pan on the stove with their bare hands. It is a shout of warning to somebody that apparently does not see or understand the danger of what they are doing. I see people following media stars on blind faith with little or no comprehension of the issues involved and so try and warn them of what I from years of experience can clearly see happening.

    But like P.T. Barnum always said there is another sucker being born every second to replace those few that get smart, so there are always a surplus of dummies for the con man to work over and this con is drawing them in by the truckload.

  26. Because we like the truth more than emotionally based scare tactics.

  27. Somehow they think environmental responsibility is the antithesis of freedom.  They basically seem to equate environmentalism with socialism.  What makes environmentalism incompatible with capitalism is beyond me, since obviously there are already some restrictions on the free market, such as health codes for food preparation.  But, as James W. Early said in the answer above, responding to the AGW threat with policy changes is seen as "dangerous."

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