
Why do deniers here always talk about Gore, which has nothing to do with the proven science of global warming?

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Jello - July in Denver was the second warmest EVER. We tied the warmest day EVER, at 105. We set a new record for the most consecutive days above 90 EVER.

So, by your standards, global warming must be real.




  1. In his movie he propagated one of the worst lies that I have ever known. Look at it ,even he does not believe. He is afraid U will use up all the oil and he will not have any to fly with.

  2. Bob do you really want to know why, well I will tell you! Gore and his tame NASA science failure cooked this whole con up while he was in the senate holding down his dad’s old seat and not getting rich fast enough for his tastes. They got together through his partner at Occidental oil and through him with the top oil man in the world and cooked this whole dirty mess up. The big oil boys were angry with Reagan holding down the world price of oil to break the financial back of the Soviet Union and end the cold war.

    It took them almost 20 years to get all the details worked out and all the marketing tricks operational but finally in the last couple of years the profits have been rolling in wholesale and are having a difficult time finding a way to use so much extra money. The big boss that financed the whole thing is buying up the stocks of his companies raising their market price. This is why we have had several hundred point stock and commodity price fluctuations as they worked the market to buy cheap on the bottom and sell at the top of the next cycle. Few if any of you people can see the whole picture of what is happening in this con.

    I can see most of it because I was educated in seeing these types of operations by some of the best in the world and I still have not comprehended all the fine details.

  3. Bob, quit denying that Gore is the guy that carries your water.

    Why do people like yourself tout the 'scientific consensus' so much if fact is so obvious?  

  4. because AL Bore is the biggest hypocrite going.  And people can't stand hypocrites.

    he claims he buys 'offset carbon credits'.  what the h**l is that?  not anything that reduces carbon footprints, that's for sure.  so what he's saying is......"you little people, suffer to reduce your emissions, live in a cave because i can afford carbon credits (which i pay to myself) and you can't!"

  5. The 'science of global warming' is far from proven and Al Gore is a big hypocrite.  

  6. um, Thor? glaciers are remnants of the ice age. the ice age went away. the last of that ice is melting. sh*t happens.

    Global Warming is the biggest money generator since the p**n industry. its just a different way to f*ck us.

    and what is it that the libs are always saying about the infallibility of government fear tactics? works every time. useful idiots.

  7. I wonder how the "global warming" is doing out in Denver, where you reside Bob.

    How can anyone believe that there is "Global Warming" going on when you're breaking 118 year old records for low temperatures?  

    One would think that "global warming" would cause temperatures to increase.

  8. Who cares about Gore?

    And GW isn't proven science, and you would do well to stop calling it that. Your credibility suffers because of it.

  9. And why do people like you always call those that don't believe in AGW, "deniers"? As if that term lumps us in with Holocaust deniers or child molesters?

    Science is not about consensus, it is about supporting a hypothesis with FACTS... you WILL all be proven wrong!

    EVERYONE has the right to an opinion! Calling those that dissent with the majority view "deniers" is just another form of manipulation and verbal thuggery. Have you never heard, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?  

  10. . You may find this interesting. Then again , if it isn't telling you what you want and choose to believe, you may not.

  11. Because unfortunately he's the spokesperson for global warming whether we like it or not!  And he's not just any person, he was vice president and he knows what really going on behind the scenes and exactly who (which corporations and individuals, including himself) stands to lose and who gains in this scenario.  Governments often use institutions to push their propaganda, so why should this be any different?  And Al Gore was profiting over a polluting zinc mining scheme on his property, so why is it so hard to believe that he's a hypocrite who has ulterior motives, doesn't really care about the environment, and would intentionally lie to the people?

    Look, even T. Boone Pickens has ulterior motives--big surprise!

  12. Why do you refer to the 'proven science' of global warming?  Global warming is not proven, it's just a suggestion of what might occur if certain conditions are met.  

    Al Gore is referred to here because he seems to be the Pope of the global warming religion that alarmists subscribe to.  He also carries the collection plate.

  13. I saw the film that he made, and it was awesome! Some people just don't want to believe that the earth is in crisis. They think that polluting the earth is great! Let's kill everything, and everyone! When it's 2 late, then they will understand. We have records, showing that the earth's climate IS changing. Everyone just wants someone to blame, to get more money and be on the other side, and in my opinion, it's downright disgusting!!!!! Gore is right. GOOD QUESTION!!!!!! :)

  14. For once I agree with you Bob . Al gore did nothing in his movie to scientifically PROVE the existence of man made global warming ! It was nothing more than an over exaggerated  , worst case scenario Impact study !

  15. He is the most recognized public personality pushing the radical left green AGW movement. You believe that the science is proven, well you are right if that means proven to you. There are many respectable scientists who have bravely gone against this wide-scale consensus you often inform us about. They do it at their own peril. It certainly doesn't help them with funding. I know, you'll say their in the pockets of big oil. Big oil really doesn't have anything to worry about from AGW. You can see how much it's hurt them already.

    Contrary to what Bestman says there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that the warming is natural. History shows us there have been countless warmings and coolings in the past, probably the most relative the medieval warming. It was almost certainly warmer at this time. Why else would Mann try to exclude it from his "hockey stick"? If all other warmings and there have been many, were caused by natural factors wouldn't it be prudent to at least consider this a very real possibility for the present warming? Add a little humility, and admitt we may not understand all the variables affecting our climate. If the fox steals chickens nine nights in a row. On the tenth night we are missing another chicken, do we blame it on the family dog?

    Jello's right. I live in Ohio and have owned a swimming pool for the last five years. Of those years the summer of 2008 has been the least condusive to warm waters. I like it to be at least 80 degrees. It's 75 and I have a solar driven heater. Thats pretty good tangible evidence that the earth at least on my little piece of it, is not getting any warmer.

  16. 'BIG GREEN' al gore's movie got this on the front page, even though it is full of b.s.

  17. Got to blame someone for their blindness.   If GW isn't happening, why is glacier bay a bay now instead of a huge glacier filled valley like it was when Europeans first sailed by there?   Why is glacier national park running out of glaciers and what will they call it in another 25 years when all the ice is gone?

  18. Because for some reason I can not ferret out Americans Think of politicians and political parties the same way they think about football teams.  If you are not the "correct, current, popular" team you absolutely must be against them.  It has been my experience that many here believe the president is the entire government and the office is semi-divine. Most of my neighbors don't know who their congresspeople are.  Bottom line Mr. Gore was a Democrat vice president there for since we now have a Republican president; the Democrats are liberal losers. I wonder why no one ever remembers that Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Payne were all liberals.  Actually talking about Gore is a way to Hide fear of the unknown and the inconvenient--It's like "wagging the dog"  

  19. Why can't alarmists argue without bringing up the false consensus?  The only reason you bring up a consensus is because you cannot prove your case.  Consensus is for politicians, not science.

    Anthropogenic Global Warming is a theory.  Scientific method says that a theory cannot be proven, but can be disproven by an experiment or observation that does not yield the expected results.

    CO2 emissions increased dramatically over the last 10 years.  According to the theory, the temperature should be increasing.  The temperature is in fact decreasing, therefore the theory is wrong.  I have just disproven global warming using scientific method.  

    Yes, I know it is an oversimplification, but at least it is logically sound if you accept the premise.  At least it is an argument, unlike "every major scientific organization......"

  20. Well they have to talk about something and since they don't have any actual evidence that global warming is natural (nor can they show why the evidence that it's happening or caused by us is defective) they need to find something else.

    So they look to a visible but flawed personality who is known to accept that global warming is happening.

  21. Ok show me the proof of AGW.

    You can't, all you can do is show computer models that say the earth is warming, sorry but computer models don't cut it as far as proof goes.

    The IPCC stopped looking at the science a while back, even some of the studied that they looked at back than but weren't finished are now showing that CO2 has little or no effect on global warming but they won't look at them now.

    BTW the new term is climate change.

    Why do some people talk about Al Gore, the Nobel prize winner on AGW along with the IPCC, I don't know could it be he's the front man for AGW?

    I don't talk about him, many others don't either, in fact I don't post much to the global warming section because I've found that the pro AGW crowd really doesn't want to debate or talk about science, they really just want to jump up and down and shout about how much they care.

    I care too, but having been through, silent spring, DDT, the population bomb, the new Ice age, the threat of famine, the whole y2k thing, I've learned to ask for proof, and so far no one on the AGW side has offer any proof. Consensus by the way isn't proof, it wasn't that long ago when the consensus was that continents don't move, it wasn't until the 1960's that the idea of plate tectonics took hold and the consensus changed.

    So show me the proof.

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