
Why do deserts get so cold at night?

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Why do deserts get so cold at night?




  1. Due to unavailibility of trees i.e. forest land there is no green house effect.

    Green House effect :The phenomenon of heating of earth due to availibility of CO2.

    CO2 has ability to absorbs heat.

    As no trees deficiency of CO2 will be there hence the absorbed heat will easily escape hence it become cool.

  2. It is very hot in the day and can be very cold at night because there are no clouds to keep the ground shaded during day time and trap the heat at night.

  3. Bcoz they get "so hot" durin the day.

  4. heat gain=heat lost

  5. Hot deserts are extremely hot during the day and extremely cold during the night. The reason for this is the lack of cloud. During the day, the land receives direct sunlight without any protection and at night the hot air escapes because of the lack of cover to keep in the heat.

  6. as above, the problem is water.

    or the lack thereof.

    water has a much higher specific heat than most other stuff.

    that means that it absorbs and releases more heat, more slowly.

    that keeps the temperature more constant.

    to see that effect, look at the average temperature along the pacific coast, where there's lots of water, and the air blows inland off the ocean.

    in addition, the lack of clouds allows the heat from the ground to radiate away into space.

    maybe you've noticed that, during the cool months, when it's cloudy, it does not cool off as much at night.

    that's because the clouds reflect heat back to the earth.

  7. the deserts are so open that there is nothing to hold the heat as its such a wide spread of land. when i went to egypt i camped in the desert for one night with nothing but a sleeping bag, it was freeeeeezing!! hope this helps

  8. The same reason they get so hot during the day.  There's no large amount of foliage to absorb the heat and store it all night, and the ground doesn't do THAT great a job.  There's also no clouds, so the heat floats away.

  9. Because the air is dry, lack of humidity.  Water takes a long time to heat up and cool off, so if it is humid and hot during the day, then it stays warm and muggy at night (like in the southern states).  Even if it is warm during the day in the desert, as soon as the sun sets and no longer warms the air, it quickly cools because there is little moisture to hold the heat.

  10. Because there are no clouds or humidity to hold warmth, as soon as the sun goes away so does all the heat. The same effect can be felt on any clear night, no matter where you are they are always the coldest.

  11. Due to the absence of humidity, vegetation and cloud to hold the heat

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