
Why do different climates require different automobile fuels?

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what practical reasons are there (in terms of storage of the fuel) for tailoring fuel to a soecific climate ?

I am doing my chemistry and i do not understand plus there is nothing to read its just questions ...could some one explain?




  1. Not sure what you mean but if you are talking about different gasoline formulas used in different parts of the USA during different seasons, this is due to the air pollution in these areas.

    Ozone is caused when sunlight reacts with VOC's. In places where air quality is a problem, some states require fuels that emit fewer VOC's during the summer as there is more sunlight and therefore more ozone.

  2. Different fuels are more likely to be caused by the political climate than the Earth's climate.  Hence, the Summer and Winter blends of fuel in California.

  3. Asan excuse for Oil Co.s to charge more.

  4. I can remember years ago lorry drivers mixing parrafine with diesel in the winter months to stop the gell effect( I dont think it was legal though)

  5. Diesel Fuel gels at low temperatures, which can make starting them almost impossible in sub zero temps. Bio -diesel  gels at even higher temperatures. This can be remedied by installing a block heater. Insulating fuel tanks can help for short periods of time where the vehicle is not in use.

  6. As far as gasoline is concerned in cold conditions more volatile components are needed for the engine particularly when starting.  In summer less volatile components are needed and it is desirable that summer fuel has less both to reduce loss of fuel from tank vents etc and to reduce air pollution.

    Diesel fuel for winter use (depending on the severity of winter in the particular region it is sold) will have a lower 'cloud point' to prevent solid wax precipitating out and blocking fuel lines or filters.  The winter diesel will be somewhat more expensive to produce.

    Edit  Current measure for diesel is the CFPP (cold filter plugging point) Spec for the UK is :  - 10 deg C summer and -15 deg C winter

  7. When it gets cold enough your gas lines can freeze and your car won't start.  The solution to this is keep your tank at least half full and get gasolene with ethanol blened in or add a bottle of gas line antifreeze (ethanol) when you fill up.  It lowers the freezing and somehow can absorb any water that ends up in your tank.

    A some gas stations in Canada have special winter blends.

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